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Israel Palestine

Discussion in 'Politics & Current Affairs' started by Lian, Oct 8, 2023.

  1. Bobbo

    Bobbo Trusted Member

    Geneva only applies to signatories. And rules of war should be abandoned when an enemy disregards them.

    Obviously to some degree. It is a principal. American independence war started with British murdering wounded nationalists and burning towns. So militia targeted officers which was "against the rules".
    Lian likes this.
  2. Marni7

    Marni7 Trusted Member

    There is no gaza anymore. Its all gone pretty much. There will be a new Israel soon if Iran dont attack.
    Palestine should have the land as it had not so many years ago unlike the jews had Israel for thousand years ago and now outdated. If people really mean israelites should have right to be there then they have to split up the land. Not taking all of. Hamas attack and when idf retaliate and gain territory they occupy the land because why not? Hamas will always attack so why not take it instead of let them regroup and establish lost and destroyed neighboorhood
  3. Dannykinz

    Dannykinz Moderator Staff Member

    I am neutral. Both are to blame for how they went about things. Both have made mistakes. Both have killed each other's people. Both continue to spew hate towards each other rather than solve their issues with one another. IF they gave a crap about their people dying they'd both stop and come to a compromise or figure shit out but they don't. The whole One VS The Other thing is kinda silly to me. Both should acknowledge the harm they have both inflicted on each other and take accountability and move forward but that'll never happen because the government prefers people divided and on their side rather than fixing things.
  4. Lian

    Lian Friendly One

    Both have done bad things. But one has superior qeapons, supplies and allies who are supposed to NOT attack civilians, to enforce human right, yet IDF does NOT respect human rights. They kill, they torture, they rape, they do everything the Nazis once do to them.
    Dannykinz likes this.
  5. Dannykinz

    Dannykinz Moderator Staff Member

    That is very true as well. Anger, Fear, Hate, and Disrespect only get a country or people so far. eventually things go to crap. It all causes pain for everyone else around. Those who've done nothing and caught in it all cannot heal until it's over. It needs resolvement. I hope soon.
  6. Lian

    Lian Friendly One

    And with how the IDF acts, they just push more people to join HAMAS. Not all of them went to be terrorists, some join because they lost their families to IDF brutality and want vengeance. IDF created their enemy with their act. Doesnt make HAMAS right, but I understand why so many join them. Treat people like dogs and they'll end up biting
  7. buffyfan

    buffyfan Moderator Staff Member

    There was no "Palestine". Ever. Does not matter that the ARABS there drew little maps with that name, and home made passports when the Brits were in charge.
  8. Lian

    Lian Friendly One

    Brits themseoves had little maps with Palestine on it so..
  9. pussycat

    pussycat Administrator Staff Member


  10. Lian

    Lian Friendly One

    There are other maps, older maps
  11. pussycat

    pussycat Administrator Staff Member

    Mandatory Palestine existed from 1920 to 1948.

    1946 was the high point of the terrorist attacks by the Haganah against the British government forces. By late 1947 all hell had broken loose, Palestine was partitioned at the end of November and civil war broke out.

    Back then it was the Jews who were the terrorists and the British and Palestinians were the victims.
    Lian likes this.
  12. Wakafl4ka

    Wakafl4ka Account Deleted

    Question: up until what point do you guys actually believe the majority of these 'Hamas' terrorist attacks where true and not staged during time to justify israeli occupation?

    I remember growing up as a kid constantly to this on the tv, how Hamas had carried out a terrorist attack etc - and it always seemed to be a shit-ass ´5 de mayo´style firework rocket that had injured 5 people... apolitically and being so young I always thought. yeah this feels wierd
  13. Wakafl4ka

    Wakafl4ka Account Deleted

    I also remember seeing black and white pictures of jewish refugees, after WWII asking to please be accepted and taken refuge by Palestine...

    I'm goiing to be clear, I don't think we here are afraid of judgement. I find it so fucked up and rhetorical, that jews (having been through so much undeserved pain and suffering throughout history, robbed and kicked out from everywhere), having been through the holocaust by Nazi gemran and generally just knowing how that feels on a personal level as a victim - would then go and commit the same atrocities to Palestenian people...
  14. Marni7

    Marni7 Trusted Member

    Some of it is likely staged as many other things are made up around the world Its hard to believe what is true now. I see many information people are giving and it is a big mess, but one thing is for sure and that is no matter what happened back then the zionist had not the right to expel innocent people from their home amd they knew it, so they made excuses for the consequenses of war. Like wait for the palestinians get enough of us and attack so we can justify our genocide. Israel can afford it though they are big functional country.. Palestine can not, because it has been supressed for many years to sheer concentration camps. Im not saying hamas is right but imagine being a palastine. Your country is taken and made to a luxury sahara/beach heaven for Israel. Your family is dead and you got nothing left than depression, humiliation, violation of freedom and revenge as justice. Would you not feel the same in that situation? Or would you be hard and cold about it only to brush it off as oh yeah that is just life suck it up. The moment the zionist got help to eastablish a state in the holy land, the palestinians knew they would have a eventuel conflict as they both strive for independence in the same land, so over time border will change. Like two tribes ind the same country where one is not welcomed. The zionist in the power of Israel is not real jews. They are corrupt, evil and godless israeles. They dont believe in god or what is best for the people in the country. They have a sick agenda based on religious vision, hereditary hatred through generations of violence, greed and power of control. There was always jews, christians, muslims in the land but it was different people.
  15. Lian

    Lian Friendly One

    Palestinians are the victims again, of both the IDF (slaughtering them) and HAMAS (using their pain and sorrow to recruit them)
  16. buffyfan

    buffyfan Moderator Staff Member

    Bet you think that means "mandatory" to "become Palestine". Just like the US is not the "North American Colony" because that is what the COLONIAL NAME for it was.

    There was never a NATION called Palestine. There was a COLONY called Manditory Palestine. Palestinians never ruled it. Also? So when Jordan became a nation they got about 1/3 of that and Egypt another 1/3. The Area between Jerusalem and Jordan did not become part of any nation that map shows until around the 1960s and wars later. Same war? Egypt lost Gaza. So. No. That is a map someone made up.
  17. pussycat

    pussycat Administrator Staff Member

    Sorry, but that sounds a lot like an excuse someone made up.
  18. Lian

    Lian Friendly One

    Israel blaming Iran of attacking them.. while it was relatiation for Israeli attack on an EMBASSY of Iran in Syria. Kinda hard to look like the good guys when you bomb embassies xD
    Athenea likes this.
  19. buffyfan

    buffyfan Moderator Staff Member

    Look at the map she provided. Gaza was part of EGYPT until the 1960s. Everything West of Jerusalem was Jordanian. When the COLONY was divided? Land went to formation of other nations. That is a map of MODERN ISRAEL with the words "Mandatory Palestine" written on it.
  20. buffyfan

    buffyfan Moderator Staff Member

    The Nazis crap they did, created the Geneva Accords. Please tell us what under ACTUAL Geneva is being violated. Specifically. MODERN Geneva. Civilian targets? Nope. The moment you use CIVILIAN sites as ammo dumps, HQ, etc? They are not "Civilian" anymore. Watch the episode of MASH called "5 Oclock Charlie". Where an inept N Korean pilot was trying to hit an AMMO DUMP by the Hospital. And the reaction is not "GENEVA VIOLATION!" (MASH was strangely very vocal on violations in that war). The Doctors said "Stop making us a legitimate target with an Ammo Dump then!".