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Israel Palestine

Discussion in 'Politics & Current Affairs' started by Lian, Oct 8, 2023.

  1. pussycat

    pussycat Administrator Staff Member

    You've had your warning. Thread privileges revoked.
    knottyNylonmum likes this.
  2. Lian

    Lian Friendly One

    To return to the topic, should UN intervene in Palestine to keep Israeli forces in check? To be sure they stop butchering civilians
    Last edited: Feb 26, 2024
  3. ChartagoRome1992

    ChartagoRome1992 New Member

    is issue is much more complicated than it appears from my point of view. I don’t believe it’s a simple black-and-white situation with clear “good guys” and “bad guys.”

    Everyone has their valid perspectives.

    Let’s start from the beginning.

    Did the Jews have the right to create Israel? It’s important to remember that Palestine was under British rule, and there were hardly any Jews there until after World War II.

    It was during this time that Zionism gained momentum, understandably fueled by the crimes committed against Jews in Europe.

    However, there was already a population in the region, and they had their own territory. Did the Jews have the right to displace people from their lands to establish their own state?

    A common argument is that the land was historically Jewish. While that’s true, it’s equally true that Jews were expelled from there since the Roman Empire and have preferred to live elsewhere.

    If distant history and distinctly Jewish names are sufficient arguments for land claims, then consider this: I’m Spanish. Should we reclaim our former empire? Perhaps start with San Francisco, Los Angeles, all of California, Florida, Texas, and so on. Of course, this argument is absurd, just as it is in the case of Jews and Israel.

    Ultimately, it boils down to a matter of power. The Jews resorted to terrorism against the British when they believed it necessary, including brutal attacks like the near-demolition of a hotel where British officials were staying.

    In fact, when the British proposed the two-state solution upon their withdrawal, the truth is that neither side truly wanted this solution. Both sides engaged in terrorism against each other, killing women and children and devastating villages before the British departure. When they left, a war erupted, and both sides were complicit. Israel emerged victorious, but how did it manage that victory? Did it content itself with winning and creating its state? No. Israel forcibly expelled much of the Arab population, denying a human right recognized by the UN: the right of return after a conflict—a right that is still denied today. Is this fair?

    Many of you are from the USA, while others, like myself, are Europeans. We all have a significant number of immigrants within our borders. Remember that most Jews had just arrived in Palestine; they were immigrants. Now, imagine that a foreign power controls your country, and upon their withdrawal, these immigrants demand to keep half of the land from which you will be expelled, despite being a numerical minority and having spent little time there. Would you be content? Well, that’s precisely what happened.

    Things are not straightforward; it’s not a black-and-white issue. The early presidents of Israel engaged in terrorism against the British, and Israel pursued a policy of ethnic cleansing in its region—a policy that, incidentally, the UN considers genocide. Once the war was won, has Israel ever genuinely been interested in peace? The reality is that it hasn’t. It has never been willing to accept the initial two-state solution. And what about the settlements that continue to be established in Palestinian territory? It’s evidence that they will never accept a Palestinian state. In fact, they say so publicly.

    Hamas is a group of bloodthirsty killers, and in areas where Israel permits Arab control, they are a hotbed of corruption and intolerance. However, who benefits from Hamas’s existence? Israel does. As long as Hamas exists, Israel has a good reason to reject the two-state solution and further divide the Palestinians. This isn’t mere theory.

    Consider this: Israel has repeatedly engaged with Qatar, which is a major financier of Hamas, asking them not to cease their funding. If you know that a state is financing your enemies and you want to eliminate them, you don’t trade and negotiate with them as if nothing is amiss. You certainly don’t send envoys to ensure they continue funding your adversary. Hamas exists because Israel allows it.

    Now, did Israel truly know NOTHING about a massive attack like this? Israel boasts some of the best intelligence services globally. It’s likely they didn’t anticipate such a powerful assault; they underestimated Hamas’s capabilities. But they were aware, and they failed to reinforce the border. This oversight provides them with the justification for their current actions.

    Let me be clear: I don’t sympathize with Hamas or its supporters—they’ve brought this upon themselves. What I’m saying is that Israel now has precisely what it wants: an excuse to prevent the establishment of a Palestinian state, something it has never truly desired. The result is an oppressed Palestinian population, living in poverty akin to the ghettos the Nazis used during World War II against the Jews

    Nor can we forget that Israel is the only real democracy in the region, and that a Palestinian regime would hardly be democratic. In any case, neither the Jews in their area nor the Palestinians in theirs are noted for their love of other religions, such as Christians for example, who in both cases are second-class citizens.

    We are facing a problem that is very difficult to solve, and to have any hope of a real solution it needs a first stone, that Israel really wants peace and the two-state solution and really works for it by supporting the Palestinians who want peace, which there are, and stop using those who have sworn to destroy Israel as a solution to perpetuate the conflict for their own benefit. The easiest thing in theory is for Israel to take a peaceful resolution seriously, and then comes the really hard part, the creation of a peaceful, stable and prosperous Palestinian state. As of today I do not see either of these two things possible.
    Lian, Polarbears and pussycat like this.
  4. pussycat

    pussycat Administrator Staff Member

    Very well put.
    ChartagoRome1992 likes this.
  5. Lian

    Lian Friendly One

    Very well said
  6. Nlastname

    Nlastname Trusted Member

    I stand for Palestine
    Lian likes this.
  7. Freddy9969

    Freddy9969 Trusted Member

    Being in the USA, wtf do we care? Also, why does the US constantly pay to provide military support to other countries. Why aren't we getting paid to provide the protection??
  8. Lian

    Lian Friendly One

    Israeli are monsters, they are worst than the Nazis. Jews around the world speak against them too. Zionism is the new Nazism
  9. Lian

    Lian Friendly One

    Because USA WANTED to be top dog. Well, it comes with responsabilities
  10. amir502

    amir502 Trusted Member

    (Edit) most the jews around all the world support israel
  11. amir502

    amir502 Trusted Member

    and how israel are the new nazis?
    every day aid came to gaza by israel while the hostages still in gaza and might be dead
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 14, 2024
  12. Lian

    Lian Friendly One

    Jews suffered under the Nazis, faced a genocide. What does Zionists in Israel do? Genocide. They KNOW the consequences, they suffered them in the past, yet have NO PROBLEM doing the same. They target civilians, their fucking Chief of Military said that forcing themselves on Palestinian women was 'good for morale' on tv, they block HUMANITARIAN AID to CIVILIANS that they are MURDERING IN MASSES.
  13. amir502

    amir502 Trusted Member

    every bomb that israel shoot to target to the TERORIST OF HAMAS, they never bomb just innocent people
  14. amir502

    amir502 Trusted Member

    where is the video of the israeli commander? show some proof please
  15. Lian

    Lian Friendly One

    so the 20,000 children killed are terrorists, now?
  16. Lian

    Lian Friendly One

    saw it on tv the other day, will try to find it on internet
  17. Athenea

    Athenea Some dream of a beautiful world, others create it. Staff Member

    The UN agency for Palestine refugees (UNRWA) reported on 13 March 2024 that more children have been killed in recent months than in four years of conflict worldwide. "This war is a war against children. It is a war against their childhood and their future," said UNRWA Commissioner General Philippe Lazzarini, who described as "staggering" the latest data from Gaza's health authorities indicating that at least 12,300 young people have died in the enclave in the past four months, compared with 12,193 worldwide between 2019 and 2022.
    Lian likes this.
  18. Lian

    Lian Friendly One

    Point it, Zionists are the new Nazis
  19. Athenea

    Athenea Some dream of a beautiful world, others create it. Staff Member


    UNICEF, 24 October 2023 - In the past 18 days, the Gaza Strip has witnessed the devastating impact of war on children, with 2,360 children killed and 5,364 injured as a result of the relentless attacks - more than 400 children killed or injured every day. This 18-day period is the deadliest escalation of hostilities in the Gaza Strip and Israel that the UN has witnessed since 2006.

    Almost all children in the Gaza Strip have been exposed to extremely difficult and traumatic situations, which have been marked by widespread destruction, constant attacks, population displacement and a severe lack of basic necessities such as food, water and medicine.

    "The killing and maiming of children, abduction of children, attacks on hospitals and schools, and denial of humanitarian access are grave violations of children's rights," said Adele Khodr, UNICEF's Regional Director for the Middle East and North Africa.

    Save The Children, 11 January 2023 - More than 10,000 children have been killed by Israeli air strikes and ground operations in Gaza in nearly 100 days of violence, according to the Gaza Ministry of Health, and thousands more are missing, presumed buried under rubble, according to Save the Children.

    The latest data from the Ministry of Health in Gaza show that more than 10,000 of Gaza's 1.1 million children - or one per cent of the total child population - have died since the 7 October attack on Israel and the assault on Gaza that has followed. Next Sunday, 14 January, will mark 100 days of war.

    Gaza's children who survive the violence suffer unspeakable horrors, including life-changing injuries, burns, disease, inadequate medical care and the loss of their parents and other loved ones. They have been forced to flee violence, often repeatedly, with nowhere safe to go, and face the terror of an uncertain future. Some 1,000 children in Gaza have lost one or both legs, many have had them amputated without anaesthetic, and will require lifelong medical care.

    Save the Children has stated that in the 100 days of violence that began on 7 October, a record number of grave violations against children have been recorded including:

    - 370 schools damaged or destroyed in Gaza, according to UNICEF data.
    - 94 hospitals and health centres attacked in Gaza, according to WHO.
    - More than 1,000 Palestinian children lost one or both legs, according to UNICEF.
    - Some 1.1 million children - the entire child population of Gaza - without access to adequate humanitarian assistance.
    - Abductions of children in Israel and 33 Israeli children killed, according to OCHA through Israeli authorities.
    Lian likes this.
  20. Lian

    Lian Friendly One

    This war is disgusting. Its an horror.
    If HAMAS are terrorists (they are), so are IDF. And the Palestinians are caught between the two.
    IDF knows what they are doing when they target civilians: they push more people, victims, to join HAMAS, so they can justify the GENOCIDE they are doing in Palestine.