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Discussion in 'Politics & Current Affairs' started by Nerdboy, Jun 28, 2019.

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  1. anathema

    anathema Account Deleted

    Is this going to be archived after the 20th as the twitter account
  2. Curmudgeon

    Curmudgeon Moderator Staff Member

    This thread will eventually automatically close when there has been no activity for 180 days
  3. Zarp

    Zarp Trusted.Member

    Haven’t heard that before but it sounds truthful.
    curiousFred likes this.
  4. anathema

    anathema Account Deleted

    Depends on your perception, education and where you are from.
    It is definetely a product of the old continent and no matter what people think on this side (new world), it seems to work for them.
    To each their own as the saying goes.
    Doesnt matter what "ism" it is.

    no offense to anyone by the way
    Wxyz999 and curiousFred like this.
  5. curiousFred

    curiousFred Trusted.Member

    I detest all isms, they do not exist to bring joy to the world.
    anathema likes this.
  6. Neophyte

    Neophyte Administrator Staff Member

    The reason that California's property tax is so low is that back when California had a Republican majority, they passed a law(Proposition 13) which limits the ability for the State to raise the property tax. Ever since the Democrats got the majority, they have tried to rescind Prop 13 ever since, but it was written that it can only be changed by the vote of the people. The Democrats have been tearing at it for years and they haven't found a way around it yet. This last election, the Democrats tried again with Proposition 15. The only reason California is as bad as it is, is because of the Democrats. The area where I live is still relatively nice, though expensive, because we have a Republican Mayor and a majority of Republicans in the City Council. All over the state where the Democrats control things its a shit hole, where the Republicans control things, its fairly decent, but with the State government residing over everything its difficult to keep the Republican areas safe.
  7. Neophyte

    Neophyte Administrator Staff Member

    I think Europeans don't understand True Freedom. They conflate Comfort for Freedom. They vote to have a comfortable life, they don't vote to have a free life. Sometimes Freedom is not Comfortable.
  8. Dane

    Dane Account Deleted

    I agree 100% with what you say about Democrat control. Everything they do is a total cluster fuck. I Live near Cincinnati, OH,
    but I no longer live in the city, or even the county. The county used to be republican run but is now Democrat and between
    the two, who always are at each others throat on who gets the money and who pays, there was a big exodus years back.
    There is no way I would live in that county again. Land taxes in the city and county are one of the highest in the state.

    But the point I was making is that the media, not just main stream, but all media, can't be trusted.
    Though one can trust the conservative broadcasts more than the standard mainstream, that's not saying much.

    There isn't one, not a single one, news outlet that just reports the facts as they are. They all manipulate the information.
    Neophyte likes this.
  9. Frankfurter

    Frankfurter Trusted Member

    God, I hope not.
  10. pussycat

    pussycat Administrator Staff Member

    I would think it's the opposite. Those who truly understand freedom are really those who have too often been deprived of it.
    A concept totally alien to modern Americans, except in an abstract sense.
    Dane and anathema like this.
  11. Neophyte

    Neophyte Administrator Staff Member

  12. Neophyte

    Neophyte Administrator Staff Member

    itshot and Brutus58 like this.
  13. UriF

    UriF Trusted Member

  14. ktty123

    ktty123 Trusted Member

  15. ktty123

    ktty123 Trusted Member

    Trump was so bad that he lost to a dimentia riddled liberal corpse. Gg
    pussycat likes this.
  16. addictedparrot

    addictedparrot Trusted Member

    Maybe the votes he needed died with the awful handling of covid.
    Brutus58, itshot and Lustig like this.
  17. Dracoa

    Dracoa Trusted.Member

    And how is that working out? 50,000 union workers lost their jobs. Women's sports are no more (require Transwomen to compete against bio-women). 11 million illegal immigrants were granted amnesty, and encouraged 11 million more during a pandemic with a 9% unemployment rate. Increased funding for the abortion of black babies while cutting funding to Mexico for abortions. Redeployed troops to the Middle East, which directly resulted in the bombing of Syria. Eliminated price controls on Big Pharma and "Right to Try" and raised insulin prices by 800%. All on his first day.

    And he still hasn't sent out the $2000. People got bribed for their votes without being paid upfront.

    But hey, I'm sure the child groper will do something different now that he's president that he didn't do in the near 50 years of government work he had. At this rate he'll be napping more than actually acting as the president.
  18. Brutus58

    Brutus58 Trusted.Member

    He didn't lose to a dementia riddled liberal corpse as much as he lost to brain-drug-addled liberal zombies who are just too damn lazy to work. He promised them everything will be free and they voted for for the corpse and Harris who is really pulling the strings on the corpse.
    Last edited: Mar 11, 2021
    itshot likes this.
  19. itshot

    itshot Trusted.Member

    I see Harris always with Joe standing behind him. I wonder if she has the hook? All she has to do is get him around the neck, a quick pull, and she's the new President.
    Brutus58 likes this.
  20. Brutus58

    Brutus58 Trusted.Member

    Too soon for that. She/they need to wait a couple more months and then make it look like an accident or natural causes. Then again maybe use an assassin so they can blame Trump supporters and all conservatives.
    itshot likes this.
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