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There are many gun murders in American society. Is there any way to solve this problem?

Discussion in 'Politics & Current Affairs' started by fdasdfasd, Sep 14, 2023.

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  1. fdasdfasd

    fdasdfasd Trusted Member

    If gun incidents were reduced, life would be much better....
    Daddy's Home likes this.
  2. wild_card001

    wild_card001 Trusted Member

    its not the gun. its the Criminal. guns dont kill people. more people die everyday from car accidents everyday than shootings. do we take away and ban all the cars?
    Perfectawful likes this.

    CCKCCK Trusted Member

    i wrote a decent paper on this topic and came to the conclusion that its overwhelmingly a mental health issue. a not so fun fact about gun deaths in america is that over half are suicides.
    Perfectawful likes this.
  4. fdasdfasd

    fdasdfasd Trusted Member

    My question is not whether guns move on their own and kill people. As you said, you mean 'criminals' who kill people with guns.
  5. blightbulb

    blightbulb Trusted Member

    Gun deaths is a terms often quoted but more than half of gun deaths are suicides, whats more telling is the homicide when a gun is used statisitic which is significant. However when you look at the overall trend in murder rates, there was a downward tend for murders overall for the past 30 years, there was only a recent spike in murders in late 2019 and that continues today. There is also a corresponding increase in gun deaths and gun homicides. But even at the current spike in homicides in the US it is still less than it was 30 years ago. Additionally what is often not reported are the instances where a gun was properly used in self defense, if you look there are stories almost everyday of someone using a gun to defend themselves, these stories just simply dont make national headlines and are usually limited to local news reports. Guns in america is a far more complicated issue than either "guns are bad, look how many people die" or "guns dont kill people criminals do".
  6. wild_card001

    wild_card001 Trusted Member

    what about knives? they have killed more people than guns. should we outlaw them and sue the manufacturers
  7. Daddy's Home

    Daddy's Home Trusted.Member

    I am so sick of this kind of narrow-minded bullshit thinking.

    The auto industry is rife with rules and regulations that continue to make cars safer and safer every day...because there are so many deaths.
    Lian likes this.
  8. Daddy's Home

    Daddy's Home Trusted.Member

    This again is bullshit as the pro-2A zombies have zero understanding of the what the data indicates, the causes and effects or anything else...IMHO.
    Lian likes this.
  9. wild_card001

    wild_card001 Trusted Member

    ok, so do firearms. its called saftey switches. again its not the weapon whether it's a car, gun, knife, bat ect. its the person wielding it. outlawing firearms is not the anwser. it leaves innocent people vulnerable. Criminals will find a way if there mind is set.
  10. wild_card001

    wild_card001 Trusted Member

    another crazy liberal.
  11. Daddy's Home

    Daddy's Home Trusted.Member

    Bullshit when it comes to homicide in the US!

    Murder victims by weapon used in the U.S 2021
    Published by Statista Research Department, Jun 2, 2023

    Handguns are by far the most common murder weapon used in the United States, accounting for 6,012 homicides in 2021. This is followed by firearms of an unstated type, with 4,740 cases in that year.

    Source: https://www.statista.com/statistics/195325/murder-victims-in-the-us-by-weapon-used/

    Homicide by knives or other cutting instruments accounted for 1,035.

    I would be embarrassed touting such an obviously erroneous statement so easily disproven.
    Lian likes this.
  12. Daddy's Home

    Daddy's Home Trusted.Member

    So how do you account for the US having such a high homicide rate compared to other first-world countries? Could it possibly be access to...um...guns?
    Lian likes this.
  13. Lian

    Lian Friendly One

    Its the guns. Remove the guns, less gun crimes. Easy enough, but the American Gun Fanatics always blame something else, there is denial
  14. phantom1025

    phantom1025 Trusted Member

    I think it more than the guns, there are other countries with access to gun, I am not going to say that gun are not helping... however the issue for me is that most of the big shootings did not happen on a whim.... it was a person suffering and needing help most of the time. I think the US suffers more than it should from people not helping others and the results are this violence. To back that up look at the rate of suicide in the USA vs other countries... it not a good number to look at. Honestly I feel if the USA put real effort to provide real resources to help people, instead of the jokes that exists which is designed to hurt people for suffering I think we would see a big change.
    Lian likes this.
  15. innervision

    innervision Account Deleted

    Cars don't drive themselves and the rules have nothing to do in regards to how well or how bad someone drives a car. A lot of people can't drive to save their lives and the rules are in place to prevent the non-born drivers from crashing their vehicles.

    They should stop handing out both guns and drivers licenses like candy. Test people's driving skills at high speeds before giving them their license and test people's mental health and shooting skills with blank bullets before selling guns.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 16, 2023
  16. Daddy's Home

    Daddy's Home Trusted.Member

    First off, some cars do drive themselves.

    Secondly, the vast majority of driving is at low speeds, not high speed. There are some really awful drivers on the road, however.

    It is still a bullshit comparison of cars to guns.

    There are very few people who choose to use their vehicle to kill another person. At this point many in the US still need their cars for getting around and making their escapes from robbing banks...at gun point :)

    What is the purpose of all of these guns. Most people do not have to hunt for survival nor do they need one for safety.

    Unless one knows how to properly use a weapon, is highly competent in using one accurately in high-stress situations, and practices regularly, they will likely hurt themselves or others innocent people.

    We have also armed all of the drug cartels because we have so many guns.
    Lian likes this.
  17. innervision

    innervision Account Deleted

    Irrelevant when the majority of cars require a certain human to precisely calculate and maneuver the vehicle safely. Not everyone has the supernatural energy in their brains to precisely calculate and maneuver a vehicle safely.

    There is awful drivers. Those entitled drivers driving at low speeds in the passing lane or those that break and then signal.

    The purpose of driving at high speed is to see how well someone's attention span is. Poor attention span leads to collisions.

    Intent is irrelevant when at least half the drivers on the roads are incompetent.

    This can be said about driving cars however practicing isn't going to make a lot of people better at driving or shooting. Innate talent can't be matched.
  18. Lian

    Lian Friendly One

    Gun fanatics will never see reason
    innervision and Daddy's Home like this.
  19. Perfectawful

    Perfectawful Trusted.Member

    There are many justified uses of a gun in the US.

    When something goes terribly wrong, you call for someone with a gun.
  20. Daddy's Home

    Daddy's Home Trusted.Member

    So, do you believe people can be swayed one way or another through marketing campaigns.

    Or, do you believe outside influences, such as marketing campaigns have little or no impact on people?
    Lian likes this.
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