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Star Wars films, ranked.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by cunnylicious, Feb 24, 2022.

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  1. Djole

    Djole Trusted.Member

    "Pleaseeeee, tell me again how are you getting through the blockade?"

  2. Djole

    Djole Trusted.Member

  3. Djole

    Djole Trusted.Member

  4. MilaHot

    MilaHot Account Deleted

    djole you should start a star wars thread in the pic place lol here is to chat about the movies and the lore I think :p
    cunnylicious likes this.
  5. Lolimsa

    Lolimsa Moderator Staff Member

    I'm a fan of Star Wars too! I have my Mandalorian t-shirt :) But I would disagree with your rank :eek: :p My favorite of all is Rogue One. To me it shows the sacrifice to obtain the much needed death star blueprints.
    cunnylicious likes this.
  6. MilaHot

    MilaHot Account Deleted

    Best part of Rogue One is when Vader arrives on the ship at the end and the rebels are like "Oh fuuuuuuuuck"
    cunnylicious, Djole and Lolimsa like this.
  7. Lolimsa

    Lolimsa Moderator Staff Member

    YES!!! The first time I saw that scene, my heart nearly stopped !!! It was an epic link to Episode IV !!
    cunnylicious likes this.
  8. MilaHot

    MilaHot Account Deleted

    Yup! And its Vader as his best; ruthless and deadly :D
    cunnylicious, Lolimsa and Djole like this.
  9. MilaHot

    MilaHot Account Deleted

    If you guys know lore; name me your 4 favorite Sith lords :D

    I'll start.

    1- Dark Vader (of course, he's THE CLASSIC)
    2- Dark Revan
    3- Dark Malgus
    4- Dark Bane

    I won't put Palpatine (Sidious) because Disney ruined Palpatine for me
    Djole likes this.
  10. Hybridej

    Hybridej Trusted Member

    As a prequel boy, I am super excited for Obi-Wan.
    cunnylicious and MilaHot like this.
  11. Djole

    Djole Trusted.Member

    What about when Luke comes in for Baby Yoda! I thought that that was epic, short, but EPIC!
  12. MilaHot

    MilaHot Account Deleted

    I just love the game Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order for the finale, when The Big Guy shows up at the end I almost cried lol
  13. Hybridej

    Hybridej Trusted Member

    Maul (all because of the animated shows)
    cunnylicious likes this.
  14. Hybridej

    Hybridej Trusted Member

    I loved the story, but I hated actually playing the game.
  15. MilaHot

    MilaHot Account Deleted

    Maul is cool, but I'd say he's my number 5 'cause... who can't love a deadly Zabrak Iridonian Sith lord?! :D
    Malak was nice too, yeah. More of a Sith than Revan (who returned to the Light) even if the Rule of Two was an idea of Revan (Bane found an holocron from Revan and used it to make the Rule of Two)

    as for the game, I love it, myself. :D
    Hybridej likes this.
  16. Hybridej

    Hybridej Trusted Member

    I've gotten to the "I'm too old for this shit" stage of my video game life, so don't care for Dark Souls combat. I turned everything to easy and plowed through the story. lol
  17. MilaHot

    MilaHot Account Deleted

    I don't like Souls' games, too hard for me. If I play a game, its to have fun, not to have to grind for hours to beat ONE EFFING BOSS lol (Capra Demon traumatized me xD )
    Djole and Hybridej like this.
  18. Hybridej

    Hybridej Trusted Member

    Same. Especially on weekdays where I only have a few hours of free time, I am playing games to relax. All that said, I will play Fallen Order 2 on day one because I love Star Wars. lol
    MilaHot likes this.
  19. MilaHot

    MilaHot Account Deleted

    Other than take; 5 favorite species in Star Wars?

    1- Zabrak Iridonian
    2- True Blood Sith (the Massassi and the Purebloods)
    3- Geonosian (just love these bugs :D )
    4- Wookiee ( love these big guys too!)
    5- Mandalorian
  20. Hybridej

    Hybridej Trusted Member

    1. Twilek. (Love Vette in SWTOR. Also Jennifer Beals was super hot in Boba Fett)
    2. Zabrak
    3. Rattaki
    4. Wookie
    5. Yodas
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