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Discussion in 'Politics & Current Affairs' started by MilaHot, Apr 9, 2022.

  1. SisterLover88

    SisterLover88 Trusted.Member

    But my whole argument was that you can measure climate change. You can't measure God because Neophyte tried to bring his political beliefs into it.

    My point is Neo claimed climate change is like the left wing religion which I was describing why that's false
    Athenea likes this.
  2. wallaby123

    wallaby123 Trusted Member

    For my views on religion please refer to my avatar. Caused more deaths and suffering than anything else. Hard to believe any god from any religion would approve of so much suffering. However I respect every man and woman's right to believe and to practice how they see fit. But its a no from me.
  3. Athenea

    Athenea Some dream of a beautiful world, others create it. Staff Member

    It was not my intention to talk about politics in this thread, as I think there are already many threads on that topic. I just found your initial comment an interesting reason to talk about science and religion and it is on those two topics that I have based my posts. Thank you for reading them :)
    Odette likes this.
  4. SisterLover88

    SisterLover88 Trusted.Member

    That's fair enough. I think the Science vs Religion is a valid angle to discuss. One of the reasons I don't believe is not because science has proven there is no God, but because I think God is a very good way to understand the things we don't know/didn't know historically.

    Back hunderds of years ago, if we didn't know how something was done, we would attribute it to something super human like a god. If we didn't know what caused gale force winds, we would attribute it to an angry god. We now know its to do with air pressure and I'm sure most religious people would accept that
    Athenea and Odette like this.
  5. Neophyte

    Neophyte Administrator Staff Member

    Making the claim that Climate Change was a Leftwing religion was not a political claim. It is measuring a religious persons beliefs and reactions to a Climate Changes Activist beliefs and reactions, they are the same. They both have fanatical belief that they are right and they both are unswayed by any argument. They both will do anything to promote their cause. I see some benefit from religion, but I don't see benefit from the activists protests. If the activists change their methods I might be more sympathetic to their arguments.
    GreenShark84 likes this.
  6. Bigsislover

    Bigsislover Trusted.Member

    Who said god approved of it? My problem with that argument is that it seems you expect god, if there is one, to give you paradise. And because he doesn’t there must not be a god???
    Am I understanding you correctly???
  7. wallaby123

    wallaby123 Trusted Member

    You are not understanding me correctly. I do not believe nor do I expect a thing from "God" I hate religion in all its guises. Nothing but trouble
  8. SisterLover88

    SisterLover88 Trusted.Member

    It absolutely is a political claim. If it wasn't, why did you bring up people's voting patterns on an unrelated topic?

    Also, saying that climate change is a religion is factually inaccurate. Climate change has been shown to be occurring. It has been proven beyond any reasonable doubt that it exists and is a serious threat to humans and the planet. It's like saying "lefties saying that 1+1=2 is like their religion"
  9. SisterLover88

    SisterLover88 Trusted.Member

    Either God doesn't know that evil exists, in which case she is not all knowing, or God can't prevent evil from existing, in which case she is not all powerful, or God chooses to allow evil to exist, in which case she is not all loving.

    Either way, that's not a God I wish to follow.
    wallaby123 likes this.
  10. Neophyte

    Neophyte Administrator Staff Member

    I'm saying it's not political because I'm indicating where the activists are coming from. As an analogy it's like saying France is filled with French speakers. Whether they have factual data or not, their behavior and beliefs are the same. If they act the same and think the same way then they are the same.
    GreenShark84 likes this.
  11. Bigsislover

    Bigsislover Trusted.Member

    That’s blaming god for not giving us paradise. For not taking away all our problems. It also removed the consequences of our actions and removes free will. doing as you suggest is making us humans robots.
    it’s also shifting the blame.
    GreenShark84 likes this.
  12. Bigsislover

    Bigsislover Trusted.Member

    If your mother didn’t free you from any of the consequences of your action as a child does that mean she doesn’t love you?
    “Spare the rod, spoil the child.”
    GreenShark84 likes this.
  13. SisterLover88

    SisterLover88 Trusted.Member

    But this thread has nothing to do with lefties or climate change. It's about religion. Unless you wish to say that climate change is caused by religion, it doesn't need to be brought up.

    Climate change isnt a political issue either. As I have stated, it's widely regarded as fact. The only disagreement comes from right wing extremists that deny reality.
  14. SisterLover88

    SisterLover88 Trusted.Member

    But if God was all knowing, she would know our problems, if God was all loving, she would want to remove those problems, if God was all powerful, she would remove those problems.

    It's not blaming god for doing anything or removing our free will. It's saying that that kind of god can't exist based on the world wenlive in today.

    God stopping children from getting cancer doesn't change your free will to wear a certain shirt.
  15. Neophyte

    Neophyte Administrator Staff Member

    Yes this thread is about Religion. I am saying a group of people have a non-theistic pseudo-religion. Their fanatical behavior is a religious act.
  16. Bigsislover

    Bigsislover Trusted.Member

    The god you’re describing is a caretaker. You’re blaming god for not taking away all the world woes. It’s seems you think he needs to pamper us, give us perfection, never make us work a day in our lives, and if he/she/it/they don’t then they obviously don’t love us, or aren’t all powerful, etc.
  17. SisterLover88

    SisterLover88 Trusted.Member

    No I'm not. I'm saying that the god described by Christians as omniscient, omnipotent, and omnibenevolent wouldn't give children cancer. I'm not saying we should all be robots, just prevent the unjustified evils
  18. Neophyte

    Neophyte Administrator Staff Member

    Sorry but the Christian god is not described as omnibenevolent (nice to all). The Great Flood and the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah is proof he is not omnibenevolent. The description is Omnipotent, Omniscient, and Omnipresent. God is all powerful, all knowing, and everywhere. It says God loves everyone (which is not omnibenevolent) but its the previous three he is described as.
  19. SisterLover88

    SisterLover88 Trusted.Member

    You should tell that to Christianity.com
  20. Polarbears

    Polarbears Trusted.Member

    I believe in Valhalla. As a woman, I may not enter there. But I can be a Valkyrie. I'd rather like that.

    The Norse Gods are just as valid as any others. I don't mind if the Christians aspire to be one with Jesus, I'll just go hang out with Freyja.


    Yes, I do listen to Wagner. :cool:
    Lian likes this.