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Palestinian and Israeli conflict

Discussion in 'Politics & Current Affairs' started by Tamer Farag, May 20, 2023.

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  1. sockpuppet

    sockpuppet Trusted.Member

    Time for the Brezhnev option. He proposed, the United States and its NATO allies would take all the Israelis. The Soviet Union and its Arab allies would take all the Palestinians. Then the Soviet Union and the United States would use their nuclear, chemical and biological weapons to render both Israel and Palestine permanently uninhabitable. "As I tell my grandchildren, 'If you will not share the cake, neither of you shall have it.'"
  2. Lian

    Lian Friendly One

    They had lost it more than 2000 uears ago. Palestinians had lived there for many, many years, they have History too. The Jews deny them their history, and steal the lands
  3. buffyfan

    buffyfan Moderator Staff Member

    Let me try this one more time. Poland happened in 1946. Israel in 1947. At the start of WWII? As in pre Blitzkreig? Poland Had A Small strip of land that lead to a small strip in the north of port access. Not 1700s. Not 1000s of years ago. Within months of Israel's creation.
  4. buffyfan

    buffyfan Moderator Staff Member

    As Neo pointed out. The Arab nations want nothing to do with the Palestinians. If the first war went differently? I am not 100% sure the 4 powers (Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon) give a single inch of land to them. They more likely divide it up and absorb it into their nations. When Palestinians fled to the Arab nations? They were put in camps, not welcomed as brothers. Kept separate because of a habit of attempting to seize power.
  5. solar

    solar Trusted Member

    Personally,i have better expirience with Palestinans
  6. Lloyd

    Lloyd Account Deleted

    Palestinians got shafted by the US and UN.... They gave the Jewish ppl a bunch of land to set up a Jewish State...... they took the land, then decided they wanted more, and took more.... and with the backing of the USA, they have pretty much taken all of the Palestinian land....
    Every time the UN votes about Isreal breaking UN resolutions the USA vetos it....
    Lian and Athenea like this.
  7. Lian

    Lian Friendly One

    I agree. Israel is built on a theft, and expands on war crimes
    Athenea likes this.
  8. Neophyte

    Neophyte Administrator Staff Member

    Both Israel and Palestine were given equal amount of land but the Palestinians hated the Israelis so much that they attacked and tried to kill all the Israelis. If you support what the Palestinians did, then you are supporting a bunch of murderous terrorist. At the start of the conflict, the other Arab nations helped the Palestinians, not because they liked the Palestinians, but because they hated the Israelis. But over time the other Arab nations have decided they rather live with the Israelis than live with the Palestinians. Only a couple of nations still support Palestine, I believe they are Iran and Syria.
  9. Lian

    Lian Friendly One

    Palestine HAD lands, then the West decided they should give half to Israel. They fought to keep their lands. If Europe suddenly told you your country has to give half its lands, your country would fight. So dont try to make it like Palestine are the bad guys.
    Israel has been warned several times about their illegal colonization of Palestinian lands, and they keep doing it. They are the terrorists here
    Athenea likes this.
  10. Lloyd

    Lloyd Account Deleted

    Im sorry, but i think you are mistaken..... Isreal just has USSA on its side.... hence all the Vetos anytime Isreal comes up in the UN voting..... look it up!

    And if you dont believe me..... Here is a link from the UN themselves.....
    But USA is loosing its dominance in the middle east at a VERY rapid pace!!!
    China has already brokered a bunch of deals in the middle east...... its not going to be long now and USA wont have any say there and Israel is going to have to pay for all the war crimes it has committed
    Athenea and Lian like this.
  11. Neophyte

    Neophyte Administrator Staff Member

    The U.S. didn't create the allocation of the land for the Palestinians and the Israelis. The British did. And prior to the British allocating the land, the Palestinians had no country to call their own.
    Lian likes this.
  12. buffyfan

    buffyfan Moderator Staff Member

    Dude. Don't bother. They are so stuck in "NUH UH! They LIVED THERE! Therefore the Brits had ONE CHOICE! Give it to them or give it to them! Because whoever's COLONY IT WAS? It was REALLY PALESTINE THE WHOLE TIME!!!!!!!!!".
    Neophyte likes this.
  13. Lian

    Lian Friendly One

    If Israel wasnt buddy with some countries, they would have been accused of war crimes a long time ago.
    I understand they want their own country, but expanding agressively and kilking civilians? That is NOT right. They are becoming as worst as those they blame for crimes they endured.
  14. buffyfan

    buffyfan Moderator Staff Member

    The areas on that map they "Aggressively took"? Were ceded, after wars, from nations that lost those wars. Not taken from the Palestinians. If they kept all they took in war, in fact? Egypt would be smaller, by a swath extending into the African Continent. If the Israelis did not LISTEN to their friends in the late 1960s? There would not be an issue in Syria at the moment. Because there would be little of the nation to speak of. They were about 100 miles from Damascus with little resistance left. Look. I know you hear from the put upon children of the people who were there. I have spoken to the people who fought in that war. I teach with three of them. One of my partners is married to the Granddaughter of a vet of that war. The Syrians F'ed around and found out and Bashir's Dad was almost deposed by being conquered. But they listened to their friends.

    Your arguments boil down to "when the settlers moved West in Canada and the US the Natives were already there. But the governments that formed granted them the land and then allowed them to use violence to keep it when the Natives attacked the organized government. Therefore the organized government should surrender the land. Because it is not fair they did not just go somewhere else instead of where they were granted land. And the US should cede all land they won from Spain in the Spanish American War to Mexico because now Mexicans would have lived there. Even though there was no Mexico then.". Just like there was no INDEPENANT Nation Palestine. Ever. Just a Brit Colony where the BRITS ruled not the Arabs who gave themselves another name.
  15. Harrycon

    Harrycon Trusted Member

    the partition of Palestine was caused by the British ( as always ) Britain needed finance to continue WW1 and they did a deal with Lord Rothchild his bank would lent the money and Britain would cede land in Palestine which was part of the Ottoman empire until it became a British gain after WW1, in 1917 they came out with the Balfor Declaration which promised the establishment of a Jewish national home in Palestine. when the waves of Jewish people started to arrive in large numbers in 1947 the English left the mess they had created and handed it over to the UN to sort out, the real culprits in this tragedy is England
  16. daklists

    daklists Trusted Member

    Given the incredible growth in the Palestinian population, the Israelis must suck at genocide.
  17. Lian

    Lian Friendly One

    They bomb civilians quite often, they just dont want to genocide them to obviously, they might lose alliances that way, so they do it slow and steady
  18. Anon1890

    Anon1890 Trusted Member

    This conflict is interesting. The Israelis are literal modern day Fascists which is hilariously ironic and makes everyone from the neo Nazis to the Wokeists mad when they are confronted with this obvious glaring truth.

    Israeli used to be very open about how they were colonizing palestine and when they started it they started it as a "colony" and even pitched it as such to then colonial powers. Obviously times have changed so they're trying to hand wave the "colonial" aspect of their colonizing away.

    All you really need to know about the conflict though is that we live in a timeline where literal white supremacists can just up and "convert" to Judaism so that they can go to Israel and live out their fantasies with Ashkenazis where they get to PWN!! The browns and play victim. It is darky laughable.

    They literally import pro apartheid south africans by the dozen since they bring over valuable experience in how to build the society that Jerusalem obviously wants.


    Then there's this guy. A literal white supremacists who just "converted" and then went over and kicked a brown lady out of her home while playing victim. His excuse?

    "If i didn't steal your home someone else would have"


    What do I think can be done? I believe the realistic and truly peace establishing solution is best. I think we should move all the palestinians out to other Arab countries.

    The writing is on the wall and if it's not done israel is going to carry out their own shoah against them. Palestine is lost. There's no reversing this and it's better to just go where you are treated best instead of staying and fighting and trying to mop up a hurricane.

    If there is one thing palestinians can learn from Israelis its that it's better to a Jew in the 30s then in the 40s. Get out while you still can.
    Last edited: Aug 10, 2023
  19. buffyfan

    buffyfan Moderator Staff Member

    Or there was never such a thing as Palestinians? Since the FOUNDER of the PLO, Arafat, and no there was never a nation called PALESTINE, was Egyptian. Born in Cairo, not "Palestine".
    Neophyte likes this.
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