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Are you ready for some football

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by allison17, Jun 11, 2017.

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  1. Akbloke

    Akbloke Ex Pig-Fixer "Videmus Agamis"

    Down-under in Oz a Redback is a type of spider. A poisonous one, but as far as poisonous things in Oz go, its poison is only mediocre, about as mediocre as a Rattler in the US of A, and not as deadly as a Sydney Funnel Web spider. I get those and worse in my back yard - the occasional Eastern Brown Snake, which is only second to the Taipan for toxicity, but because it is more prevalent, and lives closer to urban areas, kills more people.

    Insp Gadget, annab2 and allison17 like this.
  2. allison17

    allison17 Trusted.Member

    Oh ok my bad I did not know. sorry about that pussycat,please excuse. :oops:
    annab2 likes this.
  3. allison17

    allison17 Trusted.Member

    I like college a lot better.....but CHOMP CHOMP......go Gators.;):)
    annab2 likes this.
  4. Akbloke

    Akbloke Ex Pig-Fixer "Videmus Agamis"

    You're excused.....this time.

    There is nothing "racial" about the name of this team.

    Insp Gadget and annab2 like this.
  5. pussycat

    pussycat Administrator Staff Member

    No worries hun.

    annab2 and allison17 like this.
  6. pussycat

    pussycat Administrator Staff Member

    Just for the benefit of those non rugby following types, the All Blacks are so good that the second best rugby team in the world is the All Blacks reserve squad.

    annab2 and allison17 like this.
  7. pussycat

    pussycat Administrator Staff Member

    And on the subject of football, pussycat predicts...........

    Seattle vs Pittsburgh

    (anybody but New England, noooo, not again)
    annab2 and allison17 like this.
  8. pussycat

    pussycat Administrator Staff Member

    This is to put you on notice that I, being a graduate of McMaster and a lifelong TIGER CATS fanatic, find this propaganda that you, an admitted Argonauts fan, will not go unpunished, even though it is actually entirely truthful and without error.


    I could point out that the despised Redblacks are the defending Grey Cup champions, but we'll ignore that.
    annab2, allison17 and Insp Gadget like this.
  9. allison17

    allison17 Trusted.Member

    I am not a Rugby fan and had no idea what their names were. Hell I am lost on Rugby. :p
    annab2 likes this.
  10. allison17

    allison17 Trusted.Member

    I agree I am so tired of new England. Why is Brady still playing and taking the chance to get hurt real bad. what else has he got to prove?????
    annab2 likes this.
  11. allison17

    allison17 Trusted.Member

    As far as football goes I predict and one of these is going to be a shocker.........

    The colts vs Greenbay
    annab2 likes this.
  12. annab2

    annab2 Trusted Member"It ain't pretty being easy!"

    I never predict the outcome of any Sport, I root for whoever plays the best, so I am always on the winner's side! Except for Floyd Mayweather, I always had high hopes of his being trounced, just to teach him some humility! ;)
    Akbloke likes this.
  13. allison17

    allison17 Trusted.Member

    He has been challenged by a UFC fighter,just boxing but he has not accepted yet. I can't remember the guys name right off hand but he has won several world titles and he is from Ireland. :)

    He is a bad dude.
    annab2 likes this.
  14. Insp Gadget

    Insp Gadget Trusted.Member

    So what's up with this Colin Kaepernick creep ? (And in case anyone doesn't know, he played American football for the San Francisco team until they woke up and sacked him.)

    He gets lucky at birth, and pops out in the only country anywhere who'd pay a dope like that a gazillion dollars to play a game - and then he won't stand for his country's anthem !?!?

    Neighbours, you shoulda run him outta town on a rail - tar 'n feather 'im too, and I'd pay to watch it.

    Pathetic ingrate - the boy is a disgrace to his own mother !

    Patty and Colin.jpg
    annab2 and allison17 like this.
  15. incestfan67

    incestfan67 Trusted.Member

    Gridiron football in America. One game per week. Every play is practiced during the week prior. Video of the other team is studied thoroughly.Plays are called in the huddle between plays.Soldiers must have a plan of attack or defense, you can't shout"GO!"Equipment, all of that padding is necessary for safety and being able to run around in it shows ability. Weather, football practice in ninety degree heat is a challenge, playing in it is a whole different matter. While rugby and soccer take a break in the winter we are still playing. Green Bay,Denver, Chicago, New York and Pittsburgh can be very cold come playoff time. Toughness, have you ever seen a NFL injury report?
    allison17 likes this.
  16. annab2

    annab2 Trusted Member"It ain't pretty being easy!"

    Yeppers, Conor McGregor, and he is one wicked MMA fighter, from Scotland! :mad: If it was me, that was going to fight him, it would have to be at long range, at least a couple hundred of meters out! Well, that would be my best skill set against him, realistically speaking! I'm no dummy, I would probably call in a "Danger Close" Airstrike, in on his arse!
    :p(LOL!);) (Of course, that entirely depends on the assets available to me, at the time!) :rolleyes:o_O
    allison17 likes this.
  17. Insp Gadget

    Insp Gadget Trusted.Member

    Well now pussycat, it is a most fortuitous, almost cosmically ordained, circumstance that you have brought this subject up.

    But first, I must say that I do like Hamilton (not related to that godawful musical, thankfully) and my eldest son did his first year at Mac - great school. Except he met some alluring female foreign exchange student there (for ESL studies, I'm guessing) who whisked him away, and he's been stuck in someplace called Florida ever since. Then if that wasn't bad enough, and much to our family's enduring shame, the middle one went to Ryerson ... good grief, when the heck did that place become a University ?? And the third one is now at Guelph ... an improvement, I suppose. But not a damn one of them attended UofT ! (Hey, I'm sure that some worthwhile charities will appreciate receiving their inheritance money.)

    Anyways, to the point - I have always wondered what that weird Ti-Cat cheer thing is all about ... 'oskee wee wee wa wa' or something like that. (Now, if it's a sensitive topic, or it involves bathroom activities or is just some other secret thing not to be divulged to the likes of a Torontonian, I understand.) But surely there must be some story behind it - some believable excuse why grown adults would chant such gibberish - you know, anything which would ease a normal person's mind.

    Canada - nay, the entire civilized World - will anxiously await your explanation.

    From T.O. with love ... I.G. :)
    annab2 and allison17 like this.
  18. pussycat

    pussycat Administrator Staff Member

    My sister went to U of T. Thats OK, some of the family will still talk to her.


    If you want to study agriculture, Guelph is probably the best in the world. Medicine, you go to McMaster, Law you go to Queens, Football you go to Laval (or Calgary).
    York's good for basket weaving or maybe toenail clipping. Ryerson is nothing more than a poofed up community college.
    Nobody's really sure what they teach at U of T.

    allison17 and Insp Gadget like this.
  19. pussycat

    pussycat Administrator Staff Member

    You know I can't explain the Oskee Wee Wee's to you, if I did I'd have to kill you.

    allison17 and Insp Gadget like this.
  20. Insp Gadget

    Insp Gadget Trusted.Member

    Well my dear, just imagine the difficulty, let alone the magnitude, of the decision before me - Die happily, having checked off the last and most precious item on my bucket list ... or ... Live on, in blissful ignorance of what surely must be some profound wisdom. :D

    Anyway, the place I really like in Hamilton is this place ...

    Canadian-Warplane-Heritage-Museum-CF-104_Museum-Entrance.jpg Fabulous - I started visiting at the old place, before the fire, and they did a great job at bringing it all back to life.

    That's the good news - but the bad news is that you have to drive in Hamilton to get there. Did the traffic department folks put up all those One-Way signs one night right after the Christmas Party ? During ? Every damn intersection you come to looks like this ...

    One Way.jpg

    It would be worth it on Father's Day though, I'd imagine - because those fathers who have offspring who are not cheapskates, can be treated to a flight on the museum's Avro Lancaster plane. Here's the link to it - and once you click on it you'll be as close to it as I've managed to get so far ...


    allison17 likes this.
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