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Leftist here?

Discussion in 'Politics & Current Affairs' started by solar, Jun 15, 2023.

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  1. solar

    solar Trusted Member

    I am impressed that this placeis full of rightist...

    I thought to myself wtf.

    I hope you guys are consensual and not just average priests...
    wistful likes this.
  2. Neophyte

    Neophyte Administrator Staff Member

    Being on the Right has very little to do with being Religious. Same as being on the Left has little to do with being a Communist.
  3. Lian

    Lian Friendly One

    I am on the Left (Canadian Left) and PROUD of it
  4. Jumpit

    Jumpit Trusted Member

    There's quite a bit of irony in this statement considering your side of the fence are actively promoting and protecting Minor Attracted Persons (MAP's)
    Anon1890 and Marzia like this.
  5. Lian

    Lian Friendly One

    And there we got one, a propagandist again
    If you wanna use that argument, I will use sophism too.
    Nazism is a Right Wing movement. Are Republicans Nazis?
    wistful and Daddy's Home like this.
  6. MarcelineTransQueen

    MarcelineTransQueen Trusted Member

    Slay Queen!!!
    Burn him a new one
    wistful, Lian and Daddy's Home like this.
  7. Marzia

    Marzia Account Deleted

    Don't know if it applies because I'm not from USA but, in Brazil we are also divided by left and right and I used to vote left, or "red" as the most prominent left party here is represented by the color red... But never again, after almost two decades of the left ruling my country I saw my beloved Brazil turn from a prosperous country to a shitty hell hole... The worst corruption scandals are from here, most specifically the left party.

    Not saying that I'm right winged, as the Brazilian right wing is just a fake enemy made by the corrupt red party to put people against it other and remain in power.
    Pb1988jfmg, N2023, happyson1 and 2 others like this.
  8. Jumpit

    Jumpit Trusted Member

    If I'm being sophistic, please explain what the sophistry is rather than make a blanket statement without any substance that I'm using sophistry. The original poster inferred people on the right are pedophiles. Yet, the left are quite literally promoting the protection and non-discrimination of MAP's aka pedophiles. Now, this isn't all people on the left, of course. However, as I stated, it's ironic the side of the isle where the systemic protection of pedophiles is found is on the left, yet OP inferred it's on the right.
    Anon1890 and Marzia like this.
  9. Lian

    Lian Friendly One

    They are not promoting pedophiles, that is what MAGA say l, teist the words of others to make it fit THEIR narrative
    And why should Ibuse valid argument when only sophisms are used? Its a waste of time, as they never listen to facts anyway.
    So fight bullshit with bullshit, from now on
  10. Jumpit

    Jumpit Trusted Member

    I hope this works out for you then.
  11. Pat Hotter

    Pat Hotter Pat's Backdoor's Staff Member

    I think right or left most think with only self-interest when it comes down
    Therefore rules and laws are a framework to overcome some of the problems this throws up so we can all live together
    It's just on the right they think they should be more for them so want fewer rules
    The left believes that they do not have a chance for their share so need more rules to protect them
    The thing is when someone with left leanings gets success he wants to be able to grow that by having fewer rules
    And the success of the person on the right should be protected by more rules and laws:confused::confused::confused:
    Anon1890, Marzia and Jumpit like this.
  12. Jumpit

    Jumpit Trusted Member

    You spelled out the paradox with elegance and grace.

    Also, your new PFP is fire.
    Pat Hotter likes this.
  13. Pat Hotter

    Pat Hotter Pat's Backdoor's Staff Member

    And you are so kind I hope to get to know more of your views when you become a trusted member
    XX Pat
    Jumpit likes this.
  14. Jumpit

    Jumpit Trusted Member

    I unfortunately cannot respond to your post on my profile due to the 10 day constraint. I know this isn't the right place to respond but I didn't want to be rude and cause you to feel ignored.
    Pat Hotter likes this.
  15. gutttttted

    gutttttted Trusted Member

    To me it's not surprising to see rightist here, they're usually a mayority in taboo forums like this! It's a little contradictory, yes, but it's very usual.
    Suvi-32 and EnlightenedNudist like this.
  16. wistful

    wistful Account Deleted

    Doesn’t shock me. An interest in taboo is usually closely associated with the part of the brain that governs disgust. Fear- and disgust-driven policies are typically the domain of the right (e.g., the Muslims/gays/trans/atheists/poor/liberals/etc are all coming to take our jobs/children/money/religious freedom/guns/etc away!). The concept of the unknown or poorly understood “other” is what usually gives the taboo that electric feeling.
    Suvi-32, solar and gutttttted like this.
  17. Patrick998

    Patrick998 Trusted.Member

    I voted for Ron Paul…twice.
  18. Christoph Lawrence

    Christoph Lawrence Trusted Member

    I’m surprised not going to lie. Didn’t know majority I would say here reading post are right, center-right etc. I’m more left I would say and it’s a crazy world out there. When it comes to politics there’s not much I can say other than I want was best for people. Here in this community I now know we can respect each other and talk and connect regardless of what your political views are. @gutttttted do you lean right or left?
  19. Reaperreaperjack

    Reaperreaperjack Trusted Member

    Leftist here. We exist don't worry lol
  20. Pat Hotter

    Pat Hotter Pat's Backdoor's Staff Member

    And are thriving;);)
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