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Fed up with propaganda videos

Discussion in 'Politics & Current Affairs' started by Lian, Apr 8, 2023.

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  1. Lian

    Lian Friendly One

    Okay, just a question for some other members:
    Can we stop with the propaganda videos? Use arguments instead of just showing the same few dudes' conspiracist videos over and over again. I'm really fed up with it.
    Am I the only one?

    We see lots of videos posted by Pro-Republicans, here, and its (without wanting to be impolite) complete crap, propagandist lies and pure, utter sh*t.
    Use arguments, don't just post a random video from a pseudo 'experts' and say "oh, he's right, he's so right" please?
  2. Jumpit

    Jumpit Trusted Member

    Maybe point out the logical fallacies and cognitive biases you see rather than call it all propaganda. It will lend you much more credit and will make the conversation more engaging and edifying.
  3. Lian

    Lian Friendly One

    When I do point these points out, they answer "you are a girl, your are young, you know nothing"
  4. Daddy's Home

    Daddy's Home Trusted.Member

    Welp, you may have a point, however having watched many of those videos posted by Pro-Republicans, here, I come to the same conclusion as Lian, that it is (without wanting to be impolite) complete crap, propagandist lies and pure, utter sh*t.
    EnlightenedNudist likes this.
  5. Jumpit

    Jumpit Trusted Member

    I'm not saying the Republican side, which I'm not a part of btw, or democrat, which I'm also not a member of, isn't guilty of recreational outrage. But it would make for more interesting dialogue if when someone posts something someone feels is fallacious they explain why it's fallacious rather than point their finger and name call.
  6. Jumpit

    Jumpit Trusted Member

    Then they are using ad hominem fallacies rather than engage your argument, which is poor form on their part and you should call them out on their specific fallacies so they're backed into a corner.
  7. deethedeviant

    deethedeviant Trusted Member

    In all fairness and I dont take part in the political game bc its only division tactics to keep the peasants blaming each other and not the magicians who distract us with their extremely effective mind control z which they have spent trillions on thru the years.
    Back to my point, what makes what one believe truth and those who think differently wrong?
    Just bc media uses effective language and tells you its misinformation, that makes that scripture? Maybe there is some truth to some and others made up to seem so outlandish you are tricked into thinking they are wrong.
    Nobody knows the total truth but don't put up walls and Argue with others who aren't in the same box you built for urself .
    The extreme right is just as out of center as the extreme left and both are equally out of balance.

    But I do know this and why im open minded into any info I come across and store it in my thoughts.
    I dont trust any of the systems in place to control us.
    I do t believe a word the government says bc anybody who studied history would see that they destroy everything they say they are going to.make better .
    I don't trust big.pharma ,
    They cure nothing and slowly poison you while making trillions in medicine you eat like candy for life .
    And I dont trust the media
    Who make up the news and argument talking points for both sides
    We also know that the CIA runs all media and decades ago when they got their foot in the doot and even launched fhe internet purpose was to flood it with soi much info know one wood know truth from false news
    Then coined the term conspiracy theorist to discredit anything that may actually be true. And now when one beats that word or says it, instantly shuts down any critical thinking and slumbers ones mind
    Like I said trillions spent to perfect their craft and only want to believe in one of the2 sides they have laid out as choices on how we should agree ot disagree with

    And they run both sides by design
    I remember when we were told cigarettes didn't kill people and doctors preferred camels and used fancy cartoons to make appealing to kids .
    Think of the millions who died blindly believing those who told us they were
    Jumpit likes this.
  8. Jumpit

    Jumpit Trusted Member

    Some well stated points and finely carved word craft in this post. Thank you for sharing.
    deethedeviant likes this.
  9. pussycat

    pussycat Administrator Staff Member

    It's called propaganda because that's what it is. We allow propaganda on this forum under the guise of free speech.
    Free speech also allows for the calling out of said propaganda.
    We can do without a critique on how another member chooses to do so.
    Lian likes this.
  10. ch0cot1ger

    ch0cot1ger Trusted Member

    While I understand the premise behind your comment(s)... Might I suggest a different paradigm?
    Rather than not trusting, trust thoroughly.

    I trust big pharma to do enough to keep making money while still being able to plausibly operate under the 'healthcare' umbrella.
    I trust the CIA to act in a fashion that benefits the US and it's global interests (whatever they may be at the time)

    While there is always a level of "what someone believes is right, may not be right" to be had, I do think that it helps to give a helpful level of skepticism on things, without spiraling into conspiracy land.

    For example... With COVID, I wholy trusted big-pharma, the CDC, and such, because for the healthcare system/community, this was their "superbowl." Millions of researchers and doctors had been preparing for decades for something like this, so for anyone or small group to sabatoge something so major and visible was nearly lunacy.

    There's critical thinking, but there's also a line at which the 'thoughts' no longer are critical, but contrarian.
    deethedeviant and Daddy's Home like this.
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