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Did Donald Trump have sex with his daughter?

Discussion in 'Politics & Current Affairs' started by jjonjames, Oct 25, 2023.

  1. jjonjames

    jjonjames Trusted Member

    I have always wondered this?
    Tylerwolf likes this.
  2. bw19481

    bw19481 Trusted.Member

    No but Joe Biden did.
    Tylerwolf, VeryStable, Bobbo and 5 others like this.
  3. wild_card001

    wild_card001 Trusted Member

    good ol pedo joe
  4. Simranjot Singh

    Simranjot Singh New Member

  5. juliopereira

    juliopereira New Member

    Probably, we never know what happens on celebrities lives..
    Tylerwolf likes this.
  6. Lolwhatlmao

    Lolwhatlmao Trusted Member

    He said some controversial things about her
    jjonjames likes this.
  7. jjonjames

    jjonjames Trusted Member

    no doubt
  8. Jeeves 22

    Jeeves 22 Trusted.Member

    You could say they 'made out' as in passionately kissing at least once but never engaged in sex.
    Remember, DJT is a little on the high-functioning autism spectrum (aka Aspbergers') to perform the way he does. So when he says "I would date my daughter" in an interview he's not projecting any desired intentions, he's trying to state honest and objective opinion.. all stop. Just in a socially obtuse manner.
    It's like Forrest Gump telling President JFK "I gotta pee."
    Last edited: Nov 1, 2023
    Brutus58 and denan68 like this.
  9. SecretCravings

    SecretCravings Account Deleted

  10. Bojim

    Bojim Trusted Member

    He has lots of self control on not drinking and stuff like that so i would guess he did not.
    Un like good ol hunter the lucky guy got a niece and step sis that we know of prob step mom and sis too
    Mard likes this.
  11. Pat Hotter

    Pat Hotter Pat's Backdoor's Staff Member

    In his dreams if nowhere else
    james9999962 likes this.
  12. Pat Hotter

    Pat Hotter Pat's Backdoor's Staff Member

    If you looked like her would you Daddy or not you know he's only lying about loving you as he only loves Donny and wants to get into you:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::confused:
  13. james9999962

    james9999962 Trusted Member

    If this society was open to adult consensual incest, Trump would shoot his shot with his daughter.
  14. Pat Hotter

    Pat Hotter Pat's Backdoor's Staff Member

    In his dreams he already has and given half a chance would take it if not already
  15. SecretCravings

    SecretCravings Account Deleted

    She'll never get as raw of a deal as her mother did in the end.
  16. Pat Hotter

    Pat Hotter Pat's Backdoor's Staff Member

    Wouldn't put money on that
    The Donald comes first to last:(:(:(
  17. Pat Hotter

    Pat Hotter Pat's Backdoor's Staff Member

    But even that would have the Don in the room;);)
  18. SecretCravings

    SecretCravings Account Deleted

    Very true!
  19. Eugen

    Eugen Trusted.Member

    Seriously speaking, whether they fuck each other or not, I absolutely don't care. And even if age is unacceptable in some cases, again, I don't care.These are their family values. And, frankly, any woman will give her pussy to a very rich man for mutual entertainment.
  20. pussycat

    pussycat Administrator Staff Member

    We can do without that kind of crap on here, thank you.
    Pat Hotter likes this.