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Build back better

Discussion in 'Politics & Current Affairs' started by Doug Lang, Nov 20, 2021.

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  1. Doug Lang

    Doug Lang Account Deleted

    What are you opinions on the build back better plan.
  2. Neophyte

    Neophyte Administrator Staff Member

    I think the Democrat's must have spent at least six months with multiple Ad agencies and PR firms, to come up with that slogan. The plan itself doesn't build back better anything at all. It's just a ploy to divert funds to social engineering programs, pet projects, the pockets of their campaign contributors, and shoring up their personal power.
    itshot likes this.
  3. buffyfan

    buffyfan Moderator Staff Member

    Lets give the owners more tax cuts based on "They OBVIOUSLY will give massive raises! Oh they didnt? Well it THEIR MONEY NOT YOURS!".
    itshot likes this.
  4. pussycat

    pussycat Administrator Staff Member

    It would be difficult to build it back any worse. :rolleyes:
    Dane, Neophyte and itshot like this.
  5. deadrockstar69

    deadrockstar69 Trusted Member

    Build what back? In order to "build back" you have to destroy what's there. We are currently in the destruction phase. I'm just thankful we have some good judges who have stopped the federal vaccine mandates. The bill itself is over 1200 pages long. Filled with pork obviously. It will be a disaster if passed.
    itshot likes this.
  6. Neophyte

    Neophyte Administrator Staff Member

    Don't put it past the Democrats to try.
    Dane likes this.
  7. pussycat

    pussycat Administrator Staff Member

    You're not going to build it back better. You're not going to build it back at all.
  8. MortimerYo

    MortimerYo Trusted Member

    Build Back Better is an invention of globalists. The slogan has been used all over Europe, The UK as well as Canada.
  9. Neophyte

    Neophyte Administrator Staff Member

  10. buffyfan

    buffyfan Moderator Staff Member

    Simple ways to save money. If a state gets FEMA aid? And their building codes only require they build it back the same way as their Pop Pop built it? Next time a twister or flood comes along? That area only gets $ for the parts/properties that bothered to mitigate. Enough with fighting Hurricaine Aid for places that get hit once every 30 years. But DEMAND flood/tornado/hurricane aid for places that get hit THREE TIMES a season.

    In addition. No more "social welfare" programs at all. For 10 years. Watch how fast those "put upon" corporations raise pay when they cant give seminars on how the government can fill the gaps.

    While I am on it. Let's let states decide on abortion. Ultra Libs had their shot to preserve it. They threw a 2016 "BERNIE! ONLY BERNIE! JUST BERNIE! WROTE IN BERNIE!" tantrum. Actions have consequences. The one caveat is if TX bans, and say Louisiana does not? Texas's law cant state that it applies to TX citizens in all 50 states. If it is a state's rights thing? You cant then write a law that YOUR state citizens are subject to your state law in all 50 states. The moment they cross the border? They are now under that state law, not yours. No matter what your State Legislature and Gov "totally sign into law".
  11. Kaiju

    Kaiju Trusted Member

    Did it even pass?
  12. Neophyte

    Neophyte Administrator Staff Member

    There is a law that states that a U.S. Citizen is subject to U.S. Laws anywhere in the world. I heard it was used to prosecute people who go to another country where their age of consent is under 18. If a U.S. citizen engages in such an act, they can be prosecuted by a U.S. Court. Whether or not they are, may not happen, but they can be.
  13. buffyfan

    buffyfan Moderator Staff Member

    I am talking about the people who say "States RIGHTS" then pass laws that say that THEIR state law applies to all states with regard to their residents. Mississippi law (not current, the one a few years back) or struck GA law said that their residents can be prosecuted for getting an abortion in the other 49 after the time THEIR STATE passed into law. The TX law, as written, lets citizens of TX sue a NY doctor for "facilitating" an abortion outside of TX law for a TX resident. They, literally, said that TX law applies to NY Doctors while treating a TX resident in NY. If the intent is "states rights"? The right to impose law ends at the border. It does not follow the resident everywhere they go.
  14. Neophyte

    Neophyte Administrator Staff Member

    Could they not argue that if a U.S. Citizen can be subject to U.S. Law in Thailand, then a Texas Citizen can be subject to Texas Law in Georgia
  15. sobhan

    sobhan Account Deleted

    dems are master of words...not deeds
    Dane likes this.
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