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New Posting Policy for Politics & Currents Affairs
Effective immediately, the following disciplinary criteria will apply to the Politics and Current Affairs forum:
1: Members who get too overheated in their arguments will get a public warning, posted in the effected thread. Said warning will be posted in red.
2: If members choose to keep it up, they will be permanently blocked from replying to the thread. Members will be able to read it, but will no longer be able to participate.
3: These decisions are at discretion of staff and are final. Those who choose to bitch, whine, complain and/or decide to be an idiot about it will have their politics forum privileges permanently removed.
4: Members are reminded that misuse of the report button, continuing to complain, flame, harass or otherwise abuse any staff member as a result of actions taken may well result in a ban on their forum account.
November 28, 2023