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Why are you here

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Socksisqueen, Nov 16, 2020.

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  1. Socksisqueen

    Socksisqueen Trusted Member

    Is it because you are interesed in a family member, or you love the taboo of incest?
  2. Trollman3504

    Trollman3504 Trusted Member

    I am interested in my cousin. She is a few years older than me and looks really good for her age. But I cant have her, so im here to congratulate/ see all the other incestuous relationships in the world.
  3. kingshadow2

    kingshadow2 Account Deleted

    Why am I here? Great question, but a bit hard to answer.

    Short answer is something like: I look for like minded people to not feel alone, and I look for friendship.

    I live a very normal life, with a very “VERY” normal wife. I have normal friends, and everything around me is so normal it’s starting to get to me.

    I have always found incest to be very exiting and atractive. My own experience with it has been limited to a cousin a long time ago.

    At least part of why I am here, has been completed. I have found a few good people to talk to through this forum, so thank you for providing us with this platform :), thanks to the great people I have met through this forum, and hopefully there are more people to meet in the future :)

    I have never feelt bad for my love of incest, I am very secure and feel great about my own sexualety. But I have felt very alone at times, and still do. But talking to some of you guys helps :)

    And I find both envy and happiness reading about you lucky people that lives in happy relationships and loving open families :)
    Buddy4u13, OffMyNut, DSonLFM and 7 others like this.
  4. Xr4ti

    Xr4ti Sister lover

    This place is the only outlet I have to share my feeling and desires for my sister. Also it is a great source of information for people in similar situations.
    Talking about incest to people in the real world is pretty my impossible.
    That is why this site and the various incest related video porn sites exist
  5. Star_of_sea

    Star_of_sea Collector of ephemeral moments.

    Because it is where we can express the feelings that unite mother and me, it is where we can compete for the sex we enjoy, it is where we feel that the limits of the walls of our home are not the limits of our relationship, it is where we feel that there are more people In this world that with your personal experiences definitely takes you away from loneliness, it is where you can express what I feel for Mom by obtaining respect, it is where when expressing our relationship you do not respond with disgusted faces, words of rejection or easy insults.
  6. Socksisqueen

    Socksisqueen Trusted Member

    It's sad that someone has to "hide" in forums and such just to be able to express their love for someone simply because it's a family member...
  7. Star_of_sea

    Star_of_sea Collector of ephemeral moments.

    Yes, it is very sad that an intense and pure feeling of love, accepted and desired by two people freely and with the condition of coming of age, has to be repressed in public for being an unusual relationship, but upon reaching our world The private home that is our home, everything we live within that exclusive world created by love, feelings and desire that makes Mom and me vibrate, is amply rewarded for that sacrifice from the doors outside the home. For this reason, a place like this is essential, where we can express all that whirlwind of sensations and feelings in a free way with the respect that a love that two people have agreed to live deserves, regardless of random circumstances that, really, do not have one. transcendence versus the free will of acceptance. It's sad, but that's the way things are, you have to live that way, without society detecting your presence, without trying to make revolutions that change society, but living with simplicity and sincerity the feelings that make every drop of blood vibrate, that they make every cell in the body feel alive.
  8. bock-67

    bock-67 Trusted Member

    I have come to realize I'm not going to have sex with my mom... too bad but thats the fact. Being here still is make me feel my feelings are acceptable... i'm certainly not alone!
  9. MasterKC

    MasterKC Trusted.Member

    I'm here because I believe it would make many people's lives a lot happier if it was more widely practiced, and encourage those "on the fence". It doesn't hurt that it makes me feel good that at least a few people share my interests!
  10. Thesaint7811

    Thesaint7811 Account Deleted

    I found this page to see how “normal” this is. I had sex with my twin sister and always kept it on the down low. Our secret... no one else knows.
  11. Xr4ti

    Xr4ti Sister lover

    Very cool. Would like to hear more details. Sibling curiosity is pretty common
    Laurenstymie likes this.
  12. Thesaint7811

    Thesaint7811 Account Deleted

    We used to bathe together and even shared the same bedroom as opposite sex twins until our older sister went to college and freed up a room. By then curiosity got us
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 19, 2020
  13. Xr4ti

    Xr4ti Sister lover

    Are you two still active?
    Laurenstymie likes this.
  14. Thesaint7811

    Thesaint7811 Account Deleted

    Not anymore, though we do sext on occasion
    Laurenstymie and GentlyIntense like this.
  15. celeste

    celeste Trusted Member

    Why not? After all everybody's gotta be somewhere.
  16. Xr4ti

    Xr4ti Sister lover

    To learn and share experiences/fantasies of others that are into sister love
  17. Ryan33

    Ryan33 Trusted Member

    I’m here to share & learn experiences and chat with others in similar situations.
    Laurenstymie and GentlyIntense like this.
  18. Djole

    Djole Trusted.Member

    A post like this deserves an ending like this: "Maybe, one day, in a not so distant future, things will change for all of us..."
    Laurenstymie and Star_of_sea like this.
  19. HornyBoy87

    HornyBoy87 Account Deleted

    I like the idea of incest and would like to meet like minded individuals and make some friends. I like the idea of meeting someone who would also like to start an incest family. Being sexually open with our family and sharing our love together.
    Laurenstymie and GentlyIntense like this.
  20. Booge40

    Booge40 Trusted Member

    Just exploring and learning and well taking in all that it has to offer.
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