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What does your member name mean?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Curmudgeon, Sep 29, 2018.

  1. miggs

    miggs Trusted Member

    Miggs is the name of the guy in the cell next to hannibal lecter in silence of the lambs, I'm 43 now but when I was 19 me and my best mate used to do deliveries in a truck, he drove I was passenger, we were telling an old childhood friend about some of the funny times we had had and he jokes and said "so your driving while Miggs is sat in the passenger seat jerking off and throwing cum a cross the cab at you", this obviously never happened but was so funny at the time and the nickname has stuck
    Dane likes this.
  2. Husk

    Husk Trusted Member

    At (edit: when I was younger)
    I changed schools and found new friends I got close to them really fast, I eventually met their parents they lived close by so I would go by there a lot, both of my parents worked far far away and worked a lot so I would see them for about 4 hours in the morning every other day so some family members would check on me and my sister every day if I didn't texted them that day that we were fine, so I had all the time in the word after school, so I would go to the zealots house and get brainwashed for the next (Edit: While) years.
    I became a ball of hate against everything not Christian including myself I'm not the most masculine looking guy so I would do the most heinous things of the group to prove myself.
    Then when I was (Edit: when I was younger) I fell in love with a girl and we became semi friends for 3 weeks until found out she was a lesbian, enraged I wanted her to suffer for being that way, went to get the group together for tomorrow, I didn't get a message back but went anyway the next day, here is where it all started changing, when I "get the group together " I call my best friend and he calls everyone else, he was was good friends with the girl and the dad, he hasn't been a zealot like me for 4 months he just didn't want to lose all his friends, but that day I went to far and he told the girl and her dad everything the day I messaged him to get everyone together, he convinced the dad a retired cop to sit me down with my friend and the girl and if I didn't change my mind I would be going to jail, they broke down every zealot idea I had over 13 hours, I was hand cuffed over the 13 hours that's why I didn't leave btw, I called in sick for the next 3 days and thus I was a changed person named Husk.
    I'm no longer a religious type person.
    Dane likes this.
  3. celeste

    celeste Trusted Member

  4. Brutus58

    Brutus58 Trusted.Member

    That sounds pretty intense. What I don't understand is how you could have "gone to jail". What crime could you have been accused of? Did you still remain friends with her? If so, how did her dad treat you from then on?
    celeste likes this.
  5. celeste

    celeste Trusted Member

    You sound very much like a woman after my own heart LMB. It's so nice to see you maintaing family traditions

  6. Husk

    Husk Trusted Member

    I would have been accused of trespassing because it was 12 at night and maybe endangerment other then that I'm not sure, the dad would have probably pulled some strings. I was really lucky the dad is very reasonable and the girl was quite angry while I was there but she has forgiven me since then, I'm still friends with my best friend and we both ghosted the zealot group.
  7. Dager

    Dager Trusted Member

    My anme come, when i was a child I was playina and snes rpg, and i want to name my charecter dagger, but i couldn't and i name it Dager
    Dane likes this.
  8. Bristitan87

    Bristitan87 Trusted Member

    My name is pretty easy to explain bris is for Brisbane where I am from, and titan is a sports team I follow. Nice and simple
    Dane and Akbloke like this.
  9. Solonudist

    Solonudist Account Deleted

    Mines easy. Solonudist. Solo as in alone nudist since I'm the only nudist practicing member at home
    Dane likes this.
  10. edsamples

    edsamples Trusted Member

    I dont even know what mine is...only my name shows up. Why is that ?
  11. Curmudgeon

    Curmudgeon Moderator Staff Member

    Because that's the username you entered when you registered.
    miggs, edsamples and pussycat like this.
  12. ColonelAngus45

    ColonelAngus45 New Member

    Mine is from an old SNL skit with Christopher Walken...if you haven't seen it, its a must watch.
    45 is my age.
    Dane likes this.
  13. marshall151

    marshall151 Trusted Member

    Mines part of an island location name I saw on an old map many years ago.
    Dane likes this.
  14. Motherfucker!

    Motherfucker! Account Deleted

    My member name is Motherfucker!

    Do I really have to explain that? :D
    miggs and edsamples like this.
  15. edsamples

    edsamples Trusted Member

    Can I change it to something else then ?
  16. RimaOris

    RimaOris Trusted Member

    The horizontal opening between the lips leading into the oral vestibule; the aperture of the mouth. This is my first post btw :)
    Sofie, Brutus58 and miggs like this.
  17. Brutus58

    Brutus58 Trusted.Member

    Good start.
    RimaOris likes this.
  18. nonsaprei

    nonsaprei Trusted Member

    it means "i dont know" cause im realy bored person ahah
  19. Xxclover1445xx

    Xxclover1445xx Trusted Member

    Same here mine is made up.
  20. demoguy3

    demoguy3 Trusted Member

    Idk i just randomized somewhere and i got my nickname
    Dane likes this.