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Do you believe in climate change?

Discussion in 'Politics & Current Affairs' started by Hatham, Jan 12, 2020.

  1. Kent

    Kent Trusted Member

    The climate has always changed. The magnitude of the human impact should undergo massive research. Unfortunately, most academia and policymakers have skipped that part and already concluded that the human impact is decisive and they have jumped to solution mode. My fear is that we may end up trying to fix the wrong things.
  2. mario9

    mario9 Trusted Member

    I'm a libertarian on the right side of the spectrum or as you'd say a far right racist homophobic incel who has a portrait of Trump above the fireplace. Well I can say that as a man who isn't a climatologist or whatever field would be the one to speak for the broad term of science that you want to hear. I think the question is not correct but a leftist talking point. I will answer the right question that you won't bother considering but ok. Climate change is occurring all the time and is natural or did we not start as one giant land mass? now how much is mankind (ok to use if it is about a bad thing humans do) helping it along, how fast that is happening and can we do anything about it. The first question I will answer with do you drive a car or use any sort of transportation that doesn't need oil or doesn't pass gas? the save the oceans stickers are still on the bumper of your car you know, will you stop if you're using these things if not how come you don't care enough to do something of principle even at the cost of your trip to go wine tasting and instead run your mouth and get nothing done. Now its happening very fast and a few things that don't have to be happening are and you support them. We horrible westerners use a good amount of mother earths blood and pump it in the sky to make the white man richer at the expense of people who have nothing to do or even know about this exploitation unless they make it to a university for indoctrination therapy, but you demand we bring more people here to our racist land of greed where the innocent volunteers who risk their life in some cases to help speed up consumption and add millions more tons of gas that was in liquid form to the sky making it colder and hotter depending on how it can be used to emotionally manipulate people who strangely believe everything they are told once they became the man. Stop fucking participating if it means so much to you! now can we do anything about it, no China while researching on our not so secure private servers has made some proof of concept technology work but believe it or not they don't think like you or give a fuck as long as the current regime holds power and its expanding the Chinese can live underground or welded securely out of that terrible climate in an apartment now ask them pretty please maybe they'll read Howard Zinn and see how America is the cause of all Chinese hardships throughout its thousands of years and stop polluting an order to dismantle the patriarchy but then India and stop the surface drilling that should be a gimmie but those African can't seem to collect it so it makes a mess and turns rivers and lakes into something I can't even find a word for. Also I was in Tijuana a bit over a month ago and man that air is shit no regulation at all but can't as them to stop its racist. The deny science thing yeah I do sometimes and even people much smarter than me can be me can be clearly wrong and have agendas and hell just lie we wouldn't know the difference anyway. Covid tells us science changes mask, no mask, double mask, (under Trump) no way that vaccine is safe the after people make a point to put little profile thing saying "fully vaxxed" because Trump is bad is the 1st law of the universe. Simply you are nobody to even ask that question and deserve an honest answer because you don't know what the fuck you're talking about, a semester of ecology doesn't cut it sorry but get over yourself and you wouldn't even consider that you're in any way incorrect. Do you deny a heartbeat is life but bacteria is life (from a song but real shit)? we all can have our opinions and that is what your view of this topic is because again you're rep;eating what you hear and that might be harmful misinformation next week. I bet you didn't have a very high trust in big pharma a few years ago right? go back through your Tumlr or whatever the fuck its called and remind yourself that even you can be wrong
  3. mario9

    mario9 Trusted Member

    Well I remember n high school physics learning that science can't prove anything with certainty (determine a fact) it only is certain can disprove things. What year did you get that PhD I bet it says it on the shirt you didn't put on though
  4. Ashlysn

    Ashlysn Account Deleted

    I don't know much about the topic but it seems it is happening
  5. Argyle

    Argyle Account Deleted

    I'm not a scientist, but I know a large number of scientists agree that we've dumped too much carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, and those same scientists are predicting some pretty bad things are happening now and will be happening even worse in the near future. So, I'm throwing in with them. We're in trouble. I've noticed quite a few folks are still whining over having to wear seatbelts and motorcycle helmets, and those are the same folks who are whining about Covid 19 and the public health measures suggested to combat the pandemic, so I'm thinking we're in even bigger trouble than I thought.
    Incs and Mama_Lova like this.
  6. Dane

    Dane Account Deleted

    Giant wall of words is difficult to read at best.
  7. pussycat

    pussycat Administrator Staff Member

    I gave up. :rolleyes:
    Dane likes this.
  8. texasj65

    texasj65 Deviant Extraordinaire

    The "stream of consciousness" post may be tough to decipher... but I will take it over the random drive by posts intended only to pad their post count.
  9. SmallTown83

    SmallTown83 Account Deleted

    Global warming is real the real question should be why so many people now believe the earth is flat. Lol
    Dane and JoshuaMN like this.
  10. Dane

    Dane Account Deleted

    Seems to be a correlation there, doesn't it?
  11. SmallTown83

    SmallTown83 Account Deleted

    Not really people are just getting more and more stupid! Lol
  12. deadrockstar69

    deadrockstar69 Trusted Member

    In the 70's they said we were heading into another ice age, the 90's it was "global warming". Now it's climate change. The polar ice caps aren't melting. The sea level has been the same over the past 100 years. If you track the climate over the past 500,000 years it is continuously changing up and down up. Plants absorb carbon dioxide. The scientist who say man made climate change exists receive grants and funding from the same people who are pushing this agenda. They don't tow the line the lose their funding. Their solution is a carbon tax. It's all about getting more money out of the working class. What amazes me is how we are continuously lied to over the years about everything and yet people still turn on the evening news and eat up every lie they tell us.
    Dane likes this.
  13. Badbama113

    Badbama113 New Member

    This I can agree with
    Dane likes this.
  14. Pat Hotter

    Pat Hotter Moderator Staff Member

    The way my panties feel deffo getting warmer
    FrankWatcher likes this.
  15. Incs

    Incs Account Deleted

    It's a real conundrum! Whom would you rather believe?

    Thousands of climate scientists, who send satellites into space, have research stations in Antarctica and run mathematical models on the world's fastest supercomputers to prove that the earth is getting hotter by the day?

    Or the guy with his dick in his hand, who just posted a pic to prove that his younger sister is getting hotter by the day?

    To me the answer seems pretty obvious: I believe both of them :D
    JoshuaMN likes this.
  16. texasj65

    texasj65 Deviant Extraordinaire

    Meteorologists can barely beat a coin flip for predicting tomorrow's weather.
  17. pussycat

    pussycat Administrator Staff Member

    Probability of precipitation = 20%

    Translation: It might rain, but it might not.

    Either way, they were correct.

    Conclusion: Meteorologists are politicians in training.
    Dane likes this.
  18. Neophyte

    Neophyte Administrator Staff Member

  19. deadrockstar69

    deadrockstar69 Trusted Member

    Yes climate change is real! Weather modification, cloud seeding, and man made fires in the western US are impacting our climate way more than carbon emissions though.
  20. Jean Valjean

    Jean Valjean Account Deleted

    Its pretty obvious that the climate is changing,