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What was the last thing you ate

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Irish_Incest, Jun 2, 2016.

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  1. Irish_Incest

    Irish_Incest Trusted.Member

    Dark chocolate
  2. Amanda

    Amanda Account Deleted

    tuna casserole
    Irish_Incest likes this.
  3. Irish_Incest

    Irish_Incest Trusted.Member

    Mmmmm tuna
    Amanda likes this.
  4. Zarp

    Zarp Trusted.Member

    Fresh grilled hamburgers lol.
    Amanda likes this.
  5. Amanda

    Amanda Account Deleted

    eggs milk toast coffee
  6. Lisa

    Lisa Trusted.Member

    Ate a Caesar salad
  7. Irish_Incest

    Irish_Incest Trusted.Member

  8. Amanda

    Amanda Account Deleted

  9. Achilles1990

    Achilles1990 Account Deleted

    Tortellini with Champignon sauce
  10. Lisa

    Lisa Trusted.Member

    Hand made pasta in fresh bolonaise sauce
  11. Amanda

    Amanda Account Deleted

    coffee toast.
  12. Irish_Incest

    Irish_Incest Trusted.Member

  13. Amanda

    Amanda Account Deleted

  14. Big Spanker

    Big Spanker Trusted Member

    Two boiled eggs with sriracha sauce.
  15. Amanda

    Amanda Account Deleted

  16. Lisa

    Lisa Trusted.Member

    Steak in cream sauce
    Cuzlust likes this.
  17. Amanda

    Amanda Account Deleted

  18. tossit0922

    tossit0922 Trusted Member

    Bacon, egg, and cheese sandwich
  19. curiousFred

    curiousFred Trusted.Member

    Had some Rye sandwiches, Liverwurst, Salami, cheese, peppermint tea and for afters some stewed plums and peaches with vanilla pudding.
    I love cooking and baking, but my Diabetes limits my enjoyment of food and drink.
    Amanda likes this.
  20. Amanda

    Amanda Account Deleted

    Nothing yet just coffee.
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