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The research of Sam Parnia

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by lovingincest, Jul 14, 2019.

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  1. lovingincest

    lovingincest Account Deleted

    Has anyone here any experience with near death experiences after having a heart failure?

    I personally do not believe life after death is guaranteed by the following beliefs:

    1) if the brain generates consciousness we are mortal but if it does not we continue to live
    2) nde's that occur after the heart stops require memory of events at a time the brain is not functioning as no brain activity that is coherant is present shortly after it stops.

    Folks, sam parnia says that number 2 is true after 15 to 30 seconds.

    The aware 2 study measures EEG during cariac arrest! So precise timing is possible.

    I predict they will discover

    1)no brain activity after 30s to 1 min
    2) somehow memories are created upon waking that correspond with 'traveling' somewhere else.

    But I don't think its travel. Its a real experience. How do i know? Because millions have experienced it!

    Does life never end? Who knows!
    vjagan likes this.
  2. curiousFred

    curiousFred Trusted.Member

    I have died on an operation table, the doctors gave me too much Elephant juice as they said later.
    There was nothing, absolutely nothing.
    We just have to accept the idea once we have kicked the bucket, hat is the end of our existence.
  3. lovingincest

    lovingincest Account Deleted

    I am glad you gave your opinion based upon what you experienced.

    For the longest time I thought I was bad at understanding other peoples psychology. Over time, I realized I had become quite good at understanding other peoples 'energy' so to speak. As I learned to trust this skill, I began to accept testimonial evidence when I had good reason to trust their words.

    This is rare, however, as scientific evidence trumps personal stories. By that I mean rarely do I just believe what someone says or what someone wrote when it is extraordinary.

    My point is that I have concluded there is enough evidence to lean towards the philosphy of idealism over materialism / physicalism. And with that perspective, life after death is a meangful statement. Is it true? I don't know. But the data is there in support, but certainly not proof.

    I can send you links. I love empirical evidence over theory.
    vjagan likes this.
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