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Prince Harry to Marry

Discussion in 'Politics & Current Affairs' started by Insp Gadget, Nov 27, 2017.

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  1. Akbloke

    Akbloke Ex Pig-Fixer "Videmus Agamis"

    Great Britain does have a Constitution - it is called "Magna Carter" which a lot of your principles are based.
    An Australian (Capt Eric Nave RAN/RN/RAN) and a Brit (Sir Winston Spencer Churchill) who did try to tell you Yanks that Japan was about to attack you, but you wouldn't listen - It was an Aussie that broke the Japanese navel Code to warn you, not you "know it all Yanks!!"

    Yes, we were fighting an evil that had to be stopped years before you lot got off your backsides. And a lot of those people that we were helping in European countries had families in the USA and wanted their help - that was slow in coming! And if we hadn't finally persuaded you lot to join in when we did then the world would be a worse place than it is now. Remember that country France that gave you the Statue of Liberty....that you let down as WW2 started?

    If the US of A had helped Hi Chi Min to set up an independent country like he asked them to back in 1954, instead of trying to keep the arogant French in Indo-China, he would not have turned to Russia and China for help, and you lot would not have lost so many good Americans fighting a war that you were never going to win. So that one was your own bloody fault.

    And as for LGBTQ.....Aussie is way ahead of you in granting nation-wide the right for them to be married. When are you yanks going to catch up? New Zealand was decades ahead of the rest of the world in granting women the right to vote (18 Sept 1893)....another decadent British Commonwealth country.....
    curiousFred and pussycat like this.
  2. Akbloke

    Akbloke Ex Pig-Fixer "Videmus Agamis"

    Oh...and as for you lot breaking the sound barrier...(Chuck Yeager) well, he could not have done it without help from those decadent Brits.....they had that all figured out 2 years before and told your scientists how to do it when they couldn't understand what they were doing....the Brits would have done it with an aircraft called the M52....but their decadent government pulled the financing for it - couldn't see the point. And then those stuffy old Brits went ahead with the Concord. Even BOEING couldn't compete or get the SST up.
    And as for pressurized aircraft not breaking up in flight....that was another Brit discovery....round windows instead of square ones....hence Boeing got ahead of the Comet with the 707 while the decadent Brits were doing all the hard yards in research and passing it on to all...
    Last edited: Dec 31, 2017
    curiousFred and pussycat like this.
  3. Insp Gadget

    Insp Gadget Trusted.Member

    The USA's history as a submissive nation is essentially their just trading England as their ruler for Israel as their ruler. Apparently they need the comfort of being owned, regardless of the character of their owner.

    And as a result, they have relinquished their goals of things like ever flying to the Moon again, and now have to hitch a ride on a Russian craft to even get it up to the Space Station. And their Israel-owned media puts Russia down every chance they get.

    We choose the friends we make, and this is not a trade that I would have made - but good luck to them with that. Being such a sub must surely suck.

    curiousFred likes this.
  4. Neophyte

    Neophyte Administrator Staff Member

  5. Insp Gadget

    Insp Gadget Trusted.Member

    Neo, how pathetic must a country be, when their only friend is a jew.
  6. Janet

    Janet Trusted.Member

    DUCK....Magnum !!!
  7. Insp Gadget

    Insp Gadget Trusted.Member

    The USA goes Magnum because their beloved jew emasculates them.
  8. Neophyte

    Neophyte Administrator Staff Member

    For thousands of years the Europeans has been brainwashed to hate the Jews. The people of the United States knows how it feels to be hated by everyone. We outcasts have to stand together against the bullies, against injustice, even if its not popular. Hate against the Jews is still hate and I myself don't want anything to do with it.
    Akbloke likes this.
  9. Janet

    Janet Trusted.Member

    For thousands of years Europeans have been brainwashed to hate each other. Another conflict the USA got involved in was in the Balkans 20 years ago, fortunately in a peacekeeping role.

    Isn't adult incest legal in Israel? Why not in the USA? I know of several brother-sister couples who are over 50 and have been living together as husband-wife for years. They appear to be very happy.
    curiousFred likes this.
  10. pussycat

    pussycat Administrator Staff Member

    They're children, Akbloke. They haven't grown up yet, and I'm not sure they ever will. The difficulty is seperating the individual from the state - Americans are very decent, likeable people individually, but as a nation they're ass holes. It's been drilled into them since birth that "America" is the greatest thing since sliced bread, "America" saved the world, everybody wants to be an "American". And they believe it, because how can they think otherwise? They aren't taught history, they're taught American History. Seriously. What they're really taught is from watching hollywood movies - they honestly believe that what they see is an accurate depiction.
    When you try to have an intelligent discussion, they revert to "we saved your ass", as if we should somehow thank them for that. OK, they helped, I'll give them credit for that. But they didn't do it for any altruistic reasons. They were perfectly happy to watch the world burn while they reaped in huge profits from it. Would they ever have got involved at all if it wasn't for that goat fuck in Pearl Harbour? I doubt it.
    Of course they will repeatedly stick their noses in where it isn't welcome, and then bitch when we tell them no, we're not helping you. They don't seem to understand that "American Foriegn Policy" doen't apply to the rest of us.
    But of course, the USA is the "greatest nation on earth". It must be, everyone wants to get in it. The only people trying to get in it are the Mexicans, but that seems to be beside the point. It's a sad state of affairs when a third party country (mine) has to accept refugees from the USA.
    So when we criticise them, the individual Americans take it personally. We don't like them, everybody hates them. It doesn't occur to them that when they're not waving their flag and pointing guns at us, we really don't mind them at all.
    We're just wishing they would grow up.
    curiousFred and Akbloke like this.
  11. Janet

    Janet Trusted.Member

    According to the Department of Homeland Security, 1.1 million immigrants were given permanent U.S. residency in 2016, another 300,000 entered the U.SA. by crossing a border illegally and will stay permanently, and another 600,000 persons overstayed their U.S. visas. Same most other recent years, including during the 2008-2013 Recession.

    Oh, Winston Churchill and the British Government desperately wanted the U.S. to enter WW2 long before Pearl Harbor.

    As for the present state of the British Armed Forces, the general view is the British Army was and is poorly equipped to fight sustained operations in Iraq and Afghanistan.

    As for the Brits themselves, they're as arrogant, greedy, miserly, and selfish as they've always been.
  12. Janet

    Janet Trusted.Member


    "Magnum, what the HELL is the matter with you? The bloody Vietnam war ended 12 years ago! In my many years of service with Her Majesty's Army I never saw the like of you. It's 3 P.M. My guests will be arriving soon for tea to celebrate His Royal Highness Prince Charles's birthday. So get yourself showered and decently dressed because you have to drive to the British boutique with a shopping list for tea things. Oh, and you've replicated your usual miserable performance by not cleaning up adequately after these dogs. You are so fortunate that Robin Masters is away on extended business. Now go. Stop acting like an American."
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2018
    curiousFred likes this.
  13. Neophyte

    Neophyte Administrator Staff Member

    Of course we all know how perfect the Canadians are. Besides the kidnappings and murder, they even treat their 2nd class citizens fairly.
    curiousFred likes this.
  14. pussycat

    pussycat Administrator Staff Member

    Please feel free to elaborate, Neo. Our wonderful Utopia is anything but.

    We look at the US, and we try not to make the same mistakes, so we just make different ones.

    I don't know the solution. I doubt there really is one.
    curiousFred and Akbloke like this.
  15. Neophyte

    Neophyte Administrator Staff Member

    Maybe the solution is to stop ragging on other people and fix yourselves first. You say you don't hate most Americans, but you would never know it by reading your posts.
    Akbloke likes this.
  16. pussycat

    pussycat Administrator Staff Member

    Maybe the solution is to not bother posting.
  17. Neophyte

    Neophyte Administrator Staff Member

    Even if you stop posting, I can't believe that you would stop ragging on Americans, it's part of your nature. So stopping the posting wouldn't seem to be the answer.
  18. Insp Gadget

    Insp Gadget Trusted.Member

    Yes, Janet - but perhaps not every nation is as subservient as is the USA.

    Why should Britain waste its money, and the lives of its people, fighting on behalf of Israel in the middle east ?

    curiousFred likes this.
  19. pussycat

    pussycat Administrator Staff Member

    Neo, if I might point out, this thread started as a nice topic about Prince Harry and Meagan, until Janet decided to trash everything British. Now, I'm not even British (for that matter, neither is Akbloke), but I happen to like our Royal Family, so pardon me for pointing out her errors.
    And as for me "ragging on Americans", if that's what you consider a dissenting opinion, there's not much I can do about it.
    Except stop posting.
    curiousFred and Insp Gadget like this.
  20. Neophyte

    Neophyte Administrator Staff Member

    I read Janet's post and though they were wrong or misinformed, so when others were countering her, I said nothing. But then you went on to trash everything American, so I spoke up. If the only thing you did was to object and/or counter her, I would have kept quiet.
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