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Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Catwoman0716, Apr 17, 2018.

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  1. Catwoman0716

    Catwoman0716 Trusted Member

    Surfin through threads on IB saw that some of the threads have padlocks on them. What's that mean? Probably a dumb question but get hey I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed either lol
  2. Curmudgeon

    Curmudgeon Moderator Staff Member

    The thead is locked. It can be viewed but not replied to.
    That happens automatically after 6 months of inactivity.
    Staff will also occasionally lock down a thread for various reasons.
    Catwoman0716 likes this.
  3. Catwoman0716

    Catwoman0716 Trusted Member

    Oh okay I was just curious thanks
  4. Akbloke

    Akbloke Ex Pig-Fixer "Videmus Agamis"

    Hey Catwoman...I was told as a youngster: the only dumb question is the one you didn't ask....you won't know anything if you don't find out!!

    We all have to start somewhere and different forums do things in different ways.

    Catwoman0716 likes this.
  5. Catwoman0716

    Catwoman0716 Trusted Member

    Aww thanks
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