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If you think you are free

Discussion in 'Politics & Current Affairs' started by JoshuaMN, Mar 4, 2020.

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  1. JoshuaMN

    JoshuaMN Trusted.Member

    For those of us who think we live in free countries such as the USA, UK, Canada, Australia, ect.
    None of us are in any way free we have to gain permission for most things ie. if you have to get a license, permit, or any other government permission slip to do anything on your own property you are not free. If you can get arrested for growing or owning a plant you are not free. If you cant go naked in or on your property you are not free. If you can go to prison for possessing pictures of the human body you are not free. If any consensual sex act is illegal in your country you are not free. If paying for sex is a crime you are not free. If your government tells you who you can marry you are not free. If you pay have to pay taxes on land you supposedly own you are not free

    I hear in my county the USA almost daily its a "free country" Or even worse "we are the freest country on earth" witch is total bull shit. we have given up freedom for safety. I just wounder how long we will live like this and how much more freedom we will give up before we do something about it

    Any thought welcome?
    Calist, Brutus58, curiousFred and 3 others like this.
  2. UpNorthChris

    UpNorthChris Trusted Member

    I would agree with pretty much everything you said; but I would add that it's not always been that way. Many of our rights have been eroded over time under the cloak of "compromise". Only that word has been misused. In a true "compromise" both sides win a little in return for losing a little. However; as it's been applied to our rights, it has been used to mean "instead of taking it all from you now, we'll only take a little; then when you get used to that, we'll be back for some more". It's the proverbial frog that doesn't realize he's being boiled because the heat is slowly applied. This is why I often take a "no compromise" stance with my rights that many find objectionable. I realize "compromise" is not what they are truly after; often when I ask "what are you proposing our side GAIN in this deal?" and they are unable to answer.
    Brutus58, curiousFred, Dane and 3 others like this.
  3. JoshuaMN

    JoshuaMN Trusted.Member

    i agree that our freedoms are slowly eroded. it has gone far enough that most people are complaining about it. I just dont get why we are not doing anything about it. People who say fix it at the polls are idiots the poll are useless
    Brutus58, UpNorthChris and jillicious like this.
  4. UpNorthChris

    UpNorthChris Trusted Member

    I understand and appreciate your sentiment (and the frustration from which it stems); but to discredit the polls as useless is dangerous thinking because it takes from us our most readily available means of fighting back. In the preliminary stages, "behind the scenes" dealings do somewhat negate the results from the polls (not that I would ever be a Bernie supporter; but for those on that side, he is the clear favorite. However, the party has decided to conspire against him and has thrown its support behind Biden. For those on the left, this must be extremely disheartening). In 2016, the news media basically tried to convince us there was no hope; we were doomed and destined to have Hilary. That's the kind of thing that may encourage you to stay home. But patriots at the polls showed what happens when you don't give up; and elected President Trump instead, and by a wide margin. At the end of the day, votes do matter - and in an election, they're all that matter. Cheering crowds at rallies or front page headlines don't put you into office; votes do. So staying home because "what difference does it make" is not an option.
    Brutus58, curiousFred and Dane like this.
  5. JoshuaMN

    JoshuaMN Trusted.Member

    i agree voting should be important but until we force our politicians to follow their oath of office and uphold the constitution it is pointless. Any and all laws / regulations that in any way differ from our bill of rights are illegal laws. i want to see a hard reset to the laws we were founded on and stick to them
  6. seltzer

    seltzer Trusted Member

    I can't build a fission reactor in my backyard because it MAY endanger my neighbors. I can't practice war time drills with my Iowa class battleship. I can't own landmines even though it increases my personal or property safety. So after all this, I can cry at the top of my lungs; "FUCK WASHINGTON D.C.!" and no government agency will come crashing on my door... I have to ask what are you complaining about?

    You're arguing the fact the Gov enacts laws to benefit all but not the individual is anti-freedom? You are out of your mind.
  7. Dane

    Dane Account Deleted

    Right, but fyi, you can build a fusion reactor at your home, it just has to be cold!
  8. pussycat

    pussycat Administrator Staff Member

    There is no such thing as freedom. There never really was.
    We gave up our freedom when we decided to band together as a group in order to lessen our chances of being eaten by a leopard. In order to be part of the group, we agreed to live by the rules of the group.
    That still applies today.
    If you don't like the group you're in, feel free to become something's lunch.
    Brutus58, Akbloke and SecretWishes like this.
  9. seltzer

    seltzer Trusted Member

    Cold Fusion is a dead end. The amount of energy released would never be sustainable at room temp.
  10. Neophyte

    Neophyte Administrator Staff Member

    Cold fusion runs at about 50,000 degrees, not room temperate. Its considered cold because normal fusion occurs at about 10,000,000 degrees.
    Dane likes this.
  11. SecretWishes

    SecretWishes Trusted.Member

    There is a renewed interest in it and attempts for the transmutation. I can't remember where I read it, but it was recently.

    I would love to see this technology come to bear. We could convert all our wastes (among other things) into energy and recycle the metals back into new products. Best part: No radioactive materials to deal with in the end.

    I have high hopes for it still.

    As for the freedom part of this thread, I'm with pussycat on this one. SOME regulation is necessary, but not blind control which is the crux of the current regulations in play right now... mostly made by people who don't know WHAT a firearm is or how to use them.

    If you want unrestricted weapons, go to the Middle East or parts of Africa, there are no weapons restrictions there, even home made ones... but don't expect to live too long either... or keep your legs. You know land mines are pretty indiscriminate... and weapons training isn't mandatory there either so expect a lot of mishandled firearms.
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2020
    Brutus58, Akbloke and cummunion like this.
  12. seltzer

    seltzer Trusted Member

    F? C? or K? (Fahrenheit, Celsius, Kelvin)
    Brutus58 likes this.
  13. seltzer

    seltzer Trusted Member

    trans-MUTATION? Seriously? That died by the time Newton was de-vilified . We now understand decay into 'Daughter Products' from a higher product, meaning energy LEAVING the molecule equals a smaller DAUGHTER. URANIUM -> DEPLETED URANIUM -> "LEAD"
    | -> THORIUM -> LEAD

    Meaning, the way a molecule decays in either 'accelerated' or 'natural' ends with different daughter products. The energy expended in its lifetime will lead to different 'daughter' products.

    Cold Fusion attempted to describe this effect without any evidence to back it up. Now that we have better understanding of fission mechanics, Cold Fusion can never come to be. The radiation released would murder every human in a 150 sq mile (estimated) with contamination from the gamma into the 1500 sq mile.
  14. cummunion

    cummunion Account Deleted

    What’s happened to this thread?!
  15. Batty2020

    Batty2020 Too much fun to quarantine!

    The utmost insanity and lopsided ideology in this... it's astounding.

    Freedom, in terms of lack of restriction and basic rights is still held high in this nation. YES you have to purchase a license to hunt, fish, drive, etc. That's for REGULATION not for RESTRICTION. You're still FREE to go and get those things, you are in no way RESTRICTED from getting them.

    NO you cannot grow whatever the fuck you want on your property, some plants are harmful to local ecology, thats why at the border (any border) they ask if you have fruits, etc. one plant can wipe out entire crops without a second guess.

    Consensual sex and etc: That's what's great about this union, we're (at the core) 50 separate nations forming one mega-nation. Like voltron, but with apache helecopters and MOTHER FUCKING RANGERS. One state too restrictive on your family love? Move. Don't like any of the fucking states? You can go, we don't restrict ANY movement between the states or outside of it. YOU'RE FREE.
  16. jillicious

    jillicious Incestuous Story Writer

    I normally try not to comment on things like "cold fusion" because I usually end up writing significantly more than I have time to. It really is oneof those false subjects that you're not quite sure where to begin.

    Just for the sake of understanding my perspective I should divulge that I have a degree in nuclear engineering.

    Cold fusion is a farce and will never be any sort of viable energy source. The concept violates an incredible number of natural laws from thermodynamics to nuclear physics. To be honest most nuclear engineers even chuckle at the thought of regular fusion ever becoming a viable energy source. Yeah, regular (scientifically sound) fusion works but we can't sustain a reaction.

    If you really want to understand how nuclear things work then read a few reputable books. Pick up a textbook on thermodynamics, heat and mass transfer, nuclear reactor physics, nuclear systems, and top it off with health physics and radiation detection and measurement for good measure.

    Or you could go buy a book written by some random hermit in the woods who claims to have single handedly solved the world's energy problems while watching a bear shit out it's latest meal.

    I guess the choice is up to you.

    And back to the original premise of the thread... You're as free as you imagine yourself to be. If you're always a self-proclaimed victim then you will never taste freedom. Anarchy is just as much of a prison as communism.
  17. Neophyte

    Neophyte Administrator Staff Member

    They numbers are in Fahrenheit. 20 degrees Celsius, 70 degrees Fahrenheit, 293 degrees Kelvin are room temperature, cold fusion is cold because its doesn't take place at millions of degrees on any scale.
  18. pussycat

    pussycat Administrator Staff Member

    You're about to be not free. You're about to be told you can't move about, you can't leave, and you can scream all you want about your cherished constitutional rights and nobody is going to care. You know why?

    Because we're trying to keep you alive. And your neighbors.
    JoshuaMN likes this.
  19. seltzer

    seltzer Trusted Member

    I tried some examples but they don't listen. The heat alone from a FUSION reaction is going to be catastrophic. But no, we gotta have our feels over science.

    I do not claim to be an expert but I know the energy released from FISSION vs FUSION is on the magnitude of thousands v millions.

    Feel free to correct me.
  20. seltzer

    seltzer Trusted Member

    So, follow me. If a thermo nuclear device reaches the temp of the surface of the sun for just an instant... how much energy would be released in a FUSION reaction?
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