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Girls and bananas?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by slisse, May 13, 2014.

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  1. londonboy49

    londonboy49 Trusted.Member

  2. whitecoffee1

    whitecoffee1 Moderator Staff Member

    OFF-TOPIC, but that picture brought this back into my mind:

    oldman681 likes this.
  3. londonboy49

    londonboy49 Trusted.Member

  4. londonboy49

    londonboy49 Trusted.Member

    There's always that moment when at work :rolleyes:

  5. whitecoffee1

    whitecoffee1 Moderator Staff Member

    Plot twist: "This picture was taken on the 5th of December and this is a ..... "
    oldman681 likes this.
  6. londonboy49

    londonboy49 Trusted.Member

  7. SecretWishes

    SecretWishes Trusted.Member

    Bet he'll give plenty a porn star a run for their money... Deep Throat, meet Vacu-suck...
    Brutus58 likes this.
  8. SecretWishes

    SecretWishes Trusted.Member

    I finally figured out why she looks so creepy to me... She's using "beauty" enhancements when she recorded this... Nearly every Samsung device has it and I was told iPhones too. Enlarged eyes at maximum setting and maximum slimming/weight loss setting (notice how the mouth and cheeks really distort as the camera goes to a higher angle.
    Methinks she's had a LOT of practice...
    Brutus58 and Akbloke like this.
  9. whitecoffee1

    whitecoffee1 Moderator Staff Member

    The typical "Uncanny Valley"-Effect.
  10. SecretWishes

    SecretWishes Trusted.Member

    "Uncanny Valley"?
  11. whitecoffee1

    whitecoffee1 Moderator Staff Member

    We all know what a human looks like, and our brain can us tell if something is not wrong with it.

    The effect sometimes acures when for example you see a artificial human face. For example an animatronic or a cgi one. But you see something is off. That difference is what some people make feel uncomfortable.

    That's also the reason why Pixar for example never goes for realism when modeling human faces.


    Here are some examples for the UV:'

    katy-fembot.jpg medal-of-honor-uncanny-valley2.jpg
    Brutus58 and oldman681 like this.
  12. SecretWishes

    SecretWishes Trusted.Member

    Gotcha... but I suspect that valley is getting filled and won't be there soon... probably within my own lifetime. Studying in the tech sector means I see a LOT of tech developments and human replication is a BIG moneymaker. One of the spearheading groups of this is actually Disney. They're animatronics are getting to the point where it actually seems real.

    Ironically, the most notable for realism is the Na'avi Shaman from the Avatar ride. Although a fictional character, her construction and controls are advanced enough to very effectively mimic real motion, including the facial structure. Her head along contains over 40 points of animation and creates a VERY realistic effect.

    Some of the tech made it into the Meet the President show for President Trump. It's getting quite believable.

    And from what I understand, Disney is developing an even better one... I can't wait to see it.

    But back to girls and bananas:
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2019
    Brutus58, joep and oldman681 like this.
  13. Brutus58

    Brutus58 Trusted.Member

    I hope that this is a cultural "tradition". I wonder what country is this? Do the bridemaids have to participate too? On the new husband? The groomsmen? Or both?
  14. londonboy49

    londonboy49 Trusted.Member

    I know it was in China .... as of the rest !!!
  15. slisse

    slisse Moderator Staff Member

  16. londonboy49

    londonboy49 Trusted.Member

  17. londonboy49

    londonboy49 Trusted.Member

  18. Hal

    Hal TrustlTrusted Member

    Mmmmm, now I know what I want for breakfast.
  19. slisse

    slisse Moderator Staff Member

  20. Paddy

    Paddy Trusted Member

    so hot. i like
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