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Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by annab2, Jul 23, 2015.

  1. annab2

    annab2 Trusted Member"It ain't pretty being easy!"

    Yeppers, I am the same way, we've got six Rescue Dogs on our ranch! It's just like that Willie Nelson song, "My Buddy, my pal, my friend!" Each one, is very special to us! ;)

  2. Insp Gadget

    Insp Gadget Trusted.Member

  3. abaza

    abaza New Member

    very nice:)
    annab2 likes this.
  4. annab2

    annab2 Trusted Member"It ain't pretty being easy!"

    Too cute, I-G! :)
    itshot likes this.
  5. Insp Gadget

    Insp Gadget Trusted.Member

    Wanna know what's even stupider than this ?

    This one wants to join in on all the fun !!


    curiousFred, annab2 and itshot like this.
  6. Insp Gadget

    Insp Gadget Trusted.Member

  7. Insp Gadget

    Insp Gadget Trusted.Member

  8. annab2

    annab2 Trusted Member"It ain't pretty being easy!"

    Insp Gadget likes this.
  9. Insp Gadget

    Insp Gadget Trusted.Member

    Damn right - things woulda been fixed by now if the dope on the left knew what he was doing ! :)
    annab2 likes this.
  10. Insp Gadget

    Insp Gadget Trusted.Member

    curiousFred, annab2 and itshot like this.
  11. Insp Gadget

    Insp Gadget Trusted.Member


  12. annab2

    annab2 Trusted Member"It ain't pretty being easy!"

    CUTE... REALLY, very cute ...Real Cute!
    Hey! Guiseppe, order up some "Cement Overshoes"
    for "Our Comedian Friend" here...
    IG, We are going take a little ride ...to Lake Michigan!
    ...No Reason, for you to pack a lunch,
    the rest of us will stop off at
    "Vito's" Clam Bar, on the way back!
    curiousFred and Insp Gadget like this.
  13. Insp Gadget

    Insp Gadget Trusted.Member

    [​IMG] :)
    curiousFred, Neophyte and annab2 like this.
  14. Insp Gadget

    Insp Gadget Trusted.Member

    curiousFred, annab2 and Neophyte like this.
  15. Insp Gadget

    Insp Gadget Trusted.Member

  16. annab2

    annab2 Trusted Member"It ain't pretty being easy!"

    A truth, proven!;)

    Guardian Angels.jpg
  17. annab2

    annab2 Trusted Member"It ain't pretty being easy!"

    Can you say, "Newfie!"

  18. annab2

    annab2 Trusted Member"It ain't pretty being easy!"

    My choice of a companion puppy!
    The Newfoundland Breed!
    curiousFred and sockpuppet like this.
  19. Insp Gadget

    Insp Gadget Trusted.Member

    This morning my dog managed to swallow a few coins that I'd dropped on the floor.

    So I've been watching him carefully throughout the day, and so far there's no change.
    curiousFred and annab2 like this.
  20. annab2

    annab2 Trusted Member"It ain't pretty being easy!"

    The Newfoundland Breed!
    They are loyal to a fault!
    (Snoopy wishes, that he was a Newfie!)
    curiousFred and Insp Gadget like this.