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Muff's Words of Wisdom

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by muffdiver, May 27, 2015.

  1. jerrilynn

    jerrilynn Trusted Member

  2. jerrilynn

    jerrilynn Trusted Member

  3. jerrilynn

    jerrilynn Trusted Member

  4. luvintouch

    luvintouch Account Deleted

    :DPMSL! OMG Heifer butt! lol love you two ladies, you just slay me

    :oops:But starting to think I should send you my underwear bill at times lol.
    jerriswife, allison17 and jerrilynn like this.
  5. jerrilynn

    jerrilynn Trusted Member

    You might consider these, sweetheart, and save your panties.
    villager, annab2, jerriswife and 2 others like this.
  6. allison17

    allison17 Trusted.Member

    ROFL :p:p:p
    annab2 and jerriswife like this.
  7. allison17

    allison17 Trusted.Member

    annab2 and jerriswife like this.
  8. allison17

    allison17 Trusted.Member

    Oh hell no, I am not going there anyway, shape, or form, I have got to have some kind of dead animal on my plate when I eat. ;)
    villager, annab2, Zarp and 2 others like this.
  9. luvintouch

    luvintouch Account Deleted

    :rolleyes:Why ty my friend for the hint sniff! sniff! <That's a cold by the way :( in case anyone's thinking something else
    annab2 likes this.
  10. allison17

    allison17 Trusted.Member

    She got you good, laffin. That was just a joke by mom no offense meant. ;)
    annab2, luvintouch and jerriswife like this.
  11. jerriswife

    jerriswife Trusted.Member

    Oh! I see how it is, you hussy. Since we're spilling secrets, I'll just post this one of YOU. Miss Piggy.;):cool:
  12. jerrilynn

    jerrilynn Trusted Member

    Rotflmao. You promised you wouldn't tell. :)
  13. jerriswife

    jerriswife Trusted.Member

    villager, annab2, jerrilynn and 2 others like this.
  14. luvintouch

    luvintouch Account Deleted

    :DNo worries! None taking!:pStill too busy laughing trying to figure:rolleyes:where miss piggy is gonna get a bra now.
    annab2, boatbumm, jerriswife and 2 others like this.
  15. allison17

    allison17 Trusted.Member

    Me thinks you are going to half to work hard to beat that one. ~giggling~
  16. jerrilynn

    jerrilynn Trusted Member

    allison17, luvintouch and jerriswife like this.
  17. luvintouch

    luvintouch Account Deleted

    :) Awww! so nice an cute ;) ain't true love wonderful :oops: < fading into the sunset whistling "Hello young lovers"
  18. jerrilynn

    jerrilynn Trusted Member

    Yeah. I surrender. :).
    annab2, allison17 and luvintouch like this.
  19. jerriswife

    jerriswife Trusted.Member

    Works for me.
  20. jerrilynn

    jerrilynn Trusted Member

    Me too.
    annab2, luvintouch and allison17 like this.