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Muff's Words of Wisdom

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by muffdiver, May 27, 2015.

  1. allison17

    allison17 Trusted.Member

    luvintouch and jerrilynn like this.
  2. Neophyte

    Neophyte Administrator Staff Member

    My goddess
    luvintouch and jerrilynn like this.
  3. allison17

    allison17 Trusted.Member

    Now that almost looks like clinton......surely not. :eek:;):rolleyes:
    luvintouch likes this.
  4. Neophyte

    Neophyte Administrator Staff Member

    Short answer is NO. LOL. I'd rather be celibate than be with H. Clinton. :mad: I shrunk the picture and masked it out because its a personal picture.
    luvintouch likes this.
  5. Princess Amy

    Princess Amy Account Deleted

  6. Princess Amy

    Princess Amy Account Deleted

  7. jerrilynn

    jerrilynn Trusted Member

  8. Princess Amy

    Princess Amy Account Deleted

  9. Princess Amy

    Princess Amy Account Deleted

  10. Princess Amy

    Princess Amy Account Deleted

  11. jerriswife

    jerriswife Trusted.Member

    Indeed it is. It's a beautiful thing. :)
  12. Neophyte

    Neophyte Administrator Staff Member


    Liberals in the United States and many other countries complain that the people of the United States are crazy and barbaric for wanting to own guns. But when the shit hits the fan, who do all those people turn to and ask to protect them.
    jerriswife, longing4sis and Zarp like this.
  13. longing4sis

    longing4sis Trusted Member

    Amy said:
    It is indeed BULL SHIT. Then again look at who the president is and where his true allegiance lie. I think that those first refugees should be placed right there in Washington D.C. right there close to where all of the those dumb shits live.
    jerriswife likes this.
  14. jerriswife

    jerriswife Trusted.Member

  15. jerriswife

    jerriswife Trusted.Member

  16. jerriswife

    jerriswife Trusted.Member

  17. jerriswife

    jerriswife Trusted.Member

  18. jerriswife

    jerriswife Trusted.Member

  19. allison17

    allison17 Trusted.Member

    oops my bad, I thought it was a joke sorry. :p
  20. Princess Amy

    Princess Amy Account Deleted