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Muff's Words of Wisdom

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by muffdiver, May 27, 2015.

  1. jerrilynn

    jerrilynn Trusted Member

  2. Princess Amy

    Princess Amy Account Deleted

  3. Princess Amy

    Princess Amy Account Deleted

  4. Princess Amy

    Princess Amy Account Deleted

  5. Princess Amy

    Princess Amy Account Deleted

  6. Princess Amy

    Princess Amy Account Deleted

  7. Princess Amy

    Princess Amy Account Deleted

  8. Princess Amy

    Princess Amy Account Deleted

  9. Princess Amy

    Princess Amy Account Deleted

  10. Princess Amy

    Princess Amy Account Deleted

  11. Princess Amy

    Princess Amy Account Deleted

  12. Princess Amy

    Princess Amy Account Deleted

  13. Neophyte

    Neophyte Administrator Staff Member

    Estimated population of the United States: 324,000,000
    Estimate of number of people who identify as transsexual: 400,000 to 600,000
    Estimate of number of people under age of 18 who identify as transsexual: 20,000
    Estimate of number of people who have undergone gender reassignment surgery: 150,000
    Estimate of number of people under age of 18 who have under gone surgery: illegal in US

    On average there are less than 1 transsexual student in each grade school.
  14. longing4sis

    longing4sis Trusted Member

  15. longing4sis

    longing4sis Trusted Member

  16. longing4sis

    longing4sis Trusted Member

  17. Princess Amy

    Princess Amy Account Deleted

  18. Princess Amy

    Princess Amy Account Deleted

  19. Princess Amy

    Princess Amy Account Deleted

  20. Princess Amy

    Princess Amy Account Deleted